Beautiful design, £6,000/m passive income and how to outsource almost everything, with Rob and Sarah at Maygreen

Published: Feb. 20, 2019, 5:42 a.m.

HUGE COMPETITION: You can win a whole day with Maygreen Investments, exploring their HMOs, current refurbs and picking their brains on anything and everything property related. This is EPIC. How to win? 1. Follow their and my Instagrams. 2. Like both our pages on Facebook 3. Repost 2x of Maygreens posts on Insta or FB and 4. Increase Maygreen's followers by 10 people. It's really easy and you could win a business-changing opportunity. Email me once you've done the above:

Sarah and Rob are simple awesome. They have outsourced and leveraged so much of their business, that they really do have time for living life and not being tied to a desk or being on-site all the time or hours staring at rightmove. This is so inspiring, set your business up correct from the start and as it grows and becomes more time-intensive, it won't be your time it takes on low income generating tasks.

They work so well together and each have their individual strengths (interior design and investor relations) which combine to make a PROPERTY POWER DREAM TEAM! Some have even compared them to the JayZ and Beyonce of Property...

I love their interior designs, stunning. Honestly, check them out on Instagram @Maygreeninvestments. Property also allowed them a month off to get married in...Hawaii!! Incredible. What can property do for you?


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