Meet the mentors: Why you shouldn't pitch blockchain to CBRE's Nick Wright and Mike Gedye

Published: Aug. 31, 2018, 8 a.m.

The 2018 intake for the EG Tech Academy has opened and EG – along with our partners KPMG, CBRE, Legal & General Real Assets and Pi Labs – is looking for both pre- and post-seed start-ups that can deliver innovative tech or data solutions for the built environment.

Whatever your idea, we are interested in seeing what you have to offer a rapidly evolving real estate environment. To help you make the most of your entry, over the next few weeks we will be finding out from EG’s Tech partners – each of which is offering six hours of hands-on mentoring with leaders within their businesses for our shortlisted entrants – just what they are looking for.

This week we met Nick Wright and Mike Gedye of CBRE to find out what they will be offering potential finalists.