The Faces of Free Speech and the New Pilgrims

Published: Feb. 26, 2017, 8 p.m.

b'For the past week, a lot of people have been talking about\\xa0Milo Yiannopoulos and questions of free speech. But is Milo really the poster boy for Freedom of Speech? If not, then who are the faces that should make the picture broad when we talk about the forces who are working against your free speech? Also, did\\xa0Sean Spicer cross a line when he didn\'t invite\\xa0The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, CNN, BuzzFeed News and\\xa0Politico\\xa0an informal press gaggle? Is Donald Trump anti-LGBT just because he signed an\\xa0Executive\\xa0Order reversing Obama\'s Transgender Bathroom EO\\xa0forcing\\xa0all public schools to let boys in the girls bathrooms and locker rooms? At the top of the\\xa0second\\xa0hour I will be joined by Joseph\\xa0Castleberry,\\xa0President\\xa0of Northwest University\\xa0and author of\\xa0The New Pilgrims: How Immigrants Are Renewing America\'s Faith And Values, to discuss "self deportation" and his book\\xa0The New Pilgrims. All of this and more if time allows.


The New Pilgrims: How Immigrants Are Renewing America\'s Faith And Values

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