CCP Has Too Much Influence on Federal Reserve & Infiltrated U.S. Infrastructure

Published: July 26, 2022, 11 p.m.

b'"Highly credible" whistleblowers allege the FBI and Justice Department are engaging in a coordinated scheme to downplay and discredit negative information related to Hunter Biden. Beginning last week, the Biden administration has repeatedly claimed the definition of a recession \\u2014 generally defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth \\u2014 is not actually the definition of a recession. The Chinese government carried out a decade-long information theft campaign against the Federal Reserve. An explosive report published by CNN outlined how the Chinese communist government has infiltrated U.S. infrastructure in a way that could potentially jeopardize national security and disrupt U.S. military operations. Built Bar is not currently an active affiliate, so I have exchanged the previous link with one for Fire & Flavor.

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