Behind the Laughter & John Tamny Talks Stephen Moore

Published: April 10, 2019, 11 p.m.

b'Anthony Griffith, a stand-up comic from Chicago\'s South Side, has lived on the borderline of comedy and tragedy. At the very time his career as a stand-up comedian was taking off, and he had finally achieved his dream of appearing on The Tonight Show, he was also enduring an unimaginable personal nightmare: his two-year-old daughter, Brittany Nicole, was dying from cancer. While Anthony performed under bright lights, he struggled not to succumb to the darkness of losing a child.\\xa0Anthony Griffith\\xa0will join me to discuss his\\xa0memoir,\\xa0Behind the Laughter: A Comedian\\u2019s Tale of Tragedy and Hope.\\xa0Similar to President Trump, Stephen Moore is an anti-establishment voice and critic of the D.C. swamp. It should come as no surprise that economists who never stray from mainstream, "acceptable" positions on the role of the Federal Reserve Opens a New Window.\\xa0 are also vehemently opposed to Moore\'s nomination to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. After all, to challenge the Fed\'s orthodoxy is to challenge the Washington establishment.\\xa0John Tamny, Director of the Center for Economic Freedom at\\xa0FreedomWorks, editor of Real Clear Markets and author of\\xa0Who Needs the Fed?.will join me to discuss\\xa0Stephen Moore\'s nomination.

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