S2E8 - Got Milk? When Consumption Shapes Memories

Published: Feb. 25, 2022, 6 a.m.

b'We are joined by Tanvi Gupta and Rupali Kapoor from the Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur to discuss the interrelationships between food practices, nationhood, memory and brands.
Tanvi and Rupali share their research on Cadbury\\u2019s Bournvita drinking chocolate and how this brand as well as product has been central to many Indian consumers\\u2019 associations of childhood.
We also touch upon the postcolonial associations of certain brands and how their significations change over time.

Recommended reading:
Wilk, R.R., 1999. " Real Belizean food": building local identity in the transnational caribbean. American anthropologist, 101(2), pp.244-255.
Appadurai, A., 1988. How to make a national cuisine: cookbooks in contemporary India. Comparative studies in society and history, 30(1), pp.3-24.
Holtzman, J.D., 2006. Food and memory. Annu. Rev. Anthropol., 35, pp.361-378.
Belasco, W., 2002. Food matters: Perspectives on an emerging field. Food nations: Selling taste in consumer societies, pp.2-23.'