Educating About The Natural World Through Permaculture

Published: March 18, 2013, 2:05 a.m.


Imagine completing your Permaculture Design Certification Course, planting a food forest and building a cob oven- at your high school. Sounds like a dream come true? Thanks to teacher Kevin Gleason students at Dos Pueblos High School (DP) in Goleta, CA have the opportunity to learn Permaculture and get high school credit. In this episode, Jill Cloutier talks with some of the students inspired by the course, Avery Hardy, a senior at DP and a budding Permaculture designer and advocate and Kevin Gleason, an artist, teacher and Permaculture Designer. Kevin is the instructor of the new Permaculture course at DP. For more information contact Kevin Gleason at\\\\xa0


