Samoa JABBIC Part 1

Published: Sept. 9, 2009, 6:43 a.m.


\\nThis is Part I of our "Judge a Book by its Cover" show for Samoa. We\'ve recorded our perspective on each new castaway including how well we think they\'ll do in the overall game as well as some extra details revealed in the TV Guide preview.

\\nNow it is your turn. We want to hear what you think about the 20 new contestants for Survivor Samoa.
Study the pictures at, read their bios, watch the videos and let us know how well you think they will do this season. We want to hear about who you had the strongest reaction to. Don\'t think too long about it, just go with your "first impression".\\n


Here are tribes before the first episode:
\\nGalu: Brett, Dave, Erik, John, Kelly, Laura, Monica, Shannon, Russell S, Yasmin
\\nFoa Foa: Ashley, Ben Betsy, Jaison, Liz, Marissa, Mick, Mike, Natalie, Russell H\\n


Who\'s your pick for the two will that get picked to be the tribe leaders, strongest, best swimmer, most agile and smartest?
\\nGo out on a limb, and tell us who you think will win it all.
\\nWhich ones do you think will make the merge and who just doesn\'t stand a chance?

\\nSend your impressions to us by 5pm PST on Thursday, September 10th, and we\'ll include them in Part II of the JABBIC show for everyone to hear.\\n


We\'ve got several ways you can share your thoughts about the new castaways with everyone. You can\\ncall and leave a voicemail at our new number: 206-350-1547. You can record an\\naudio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at\\ Lastly, there\'s a link for comments on the web page here. You can click that link and post your thoughts out there for everyone to see. \\n


If you\'re interested in participating in the JSFL, our own, private Survivor fantasy league, you can register at the new JSFL website:


JSFL Registration.

The prize this season will be similar to last season, e.g. a Survivor t-shirt or buff. Not sure what the JSFL is? Check out the links section below for the rules we will be using and the results from last season.



\\n\\nWe use Mad Sumo\'s "On the Grill" as our intro and outro tune for the JABBIC shows.

\\n00:02 Date
\\n00:04 On the Grill by Mad Sumo
\\n00:36 Introductions
\\n02:18 TV Guide Preview Details
\\n07:36 JABBIC Part I
\\n52:42 On the Grill by Mad Sumo


\\nLinks for Today\'s Show
\\nPaul\'s Visual Roster for Survivor Samoa
\\nRules for Survivor Samoa JSFL
\\nResults from the Survivor Tocantins JSFL
\\nMen lose their minds speaking to pretty women


\\nContact Info:


Voicemail: 206-350-1547


\\nSurvivor Fans Podcast
\\nP.O. Box 2811
\\nOrangevale, CA 95662\\n

\\nJo Ann and Stacy \\n

