Samoa Episode 6

Published: Oct. 23, 2009, 6:09 a.m.


We never like to see someone go out on a medical, but it seemed a bit unbalanced to hear Jeff describe that as the scariest moment in Survivor history. How do you think it compared to Michael Skupin passing out and falling face first into a fire back in season 2 and burning all the skin off his hands?\\n


Do you think Foa Foa can take advantage of this shift in momentum? Who do you think Galu will elect as their new chief? Will Shambo finally find a home in Galu, or will she defect to Foa Foa the first chance she gets?\\n


Here are tribes after the sixth episode:
\\nGalu: Brett, Dave, Erik, John, Kelly, Laura, Monica, Shannon
\\nFoa Foa: Jaison, Liz, Mick, Natalie, Russell H\\n


We both think that the momentum will shift back to Foa Foa and believe that Monica will be next to go from Galu. Who do you think will be voted out next?\\n


We have several ways you can reach us. You can\\ncall and leave a voicemail at 206-350-1547. You can record an audio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at\\ Lastly, there\'s a link for comments on the web page here. You can click that link and post your thoughts out there for everyone to see. \\n


\\nThe new version of Ancient Voices for this season is available in iTunes. Click the image to go to iTunes and grab a copy for 99 cents!
\\nSurvivor Samoa single by Russ Landau
\\n00:02 Date
\\n00:05 Ancient Voices Samoa by Russ Landau
\\n00:22 Introductions
\\n29:50 Next Time on Survivor
\\n32:57 JSFL Update
\\n37:24 Ancient Voices Samoa by Russ Landau


\\nLinks for Today\'s Show
\\nPaul\'s Visual Roster for Survivor Samoa
\\nSurvivor Fans Podcast Fans group on Facebook
\\nRules for Survivor Samoa JSFL

\\nCheck out these interviews to get some perspective on how difficult it was for castaways from some of the previous seasons:
\\nStephenie LaGrossa Interview
\\nLex van den Berghe Interview
\\nKatie Gallagher Interview


\\nContact Info:

Voicemail: 206-350-1547


\\nSurvivor Fans Podcast
\\nP.O. Box 2811
\\nOrangevale, CA 95662\\n

\\nJo Ann and Stacy \\n
