China Episode 8

Published: Nov. 9, 2007, 7:37 a.m.


Courtney finally got her revenge. Interestingly enough, she didn\'t seem to take much pleasure in it.


Do you think the original Fei Long members made a tactical error by alienating Denise this week? Is there control in jeopardy? Can you think of any way that Erik, Frosti or PG could make it to final 3?


Here\'s the new merged tribe after episode 8.
\\nHae Da Fung: Amanda, Courtney, Denise, Erik, Frosti, James, Peih-Gee, and Todd


Ok, last week was a misfire. This week we are sure PG will be next to go.


Who\'s your pick for the next one to get voted out?


We\'ve got several ways you can reach us. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-JASS(5277). You can record an\\naudio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at Lastly, there\'s a link for comments on the web page here. You can click that link and post your thoughts out there for everyone to see. \\n


Both songs this week are dedicated to Jean Robert. Here\'s a link to the artists in case you want to learn more about them.
\\nMisery Card by Love is Chemicals
\\nSneaky by Moth Music

\\n\\n00:01 Date
\\n00:05 Misery Card by Love is Chemicals
\\n01:40 Introductions
\\n02:45 Episode Recap and Observations
\\n31:32 Next Week on Survivor
\\n37:50 JSFL Update
\\n50:16 Sneaky by Moth Music

\\n\\n\\nLinks for Today\'s Show
\\nJSFL Results Update for Survivor: China
\\nJSFL Rules for Survivor: China
\\nListener Paul\'s Visual Roster for Survivor China

\\nContact Info:

\\nJo Ann and Stacy'