Cagayan Episode 9 LF

Published: April 26, 2014, 11:54 p.m.




Wonder Woo survived! The preview fooled some of us, but we were all glad he didn\'t need to be medically evacuated. Tony got respect for finding the TPI with no clues, but the consensus is that this is an over powered twist that may take some of the suspense out of what has been a great season. Trish is gaining respect and fans, but it\'s not clear if her fellow castaways see what we do in her approach to the game. Support for Jefra and Kass is waning. Tasha gained more respect for yet another Immunity win. Prospects for her and Spencer are dwindling, but we know not to count Spencer out when he\'s down.


For each episode, we provide 3 podcasts: an episode recap, an interview with the castoff, and a chance for Survivor fans like yourself to sound off on what you saw and how you think the castaways are fairing in the game. Ten fans made the extra effort to share their thoughts on episode 9 and predictions for what we\'ll see next.

We want to thank and acknowledge everyone who contributed to another great Listener Feedback show. This week we heard from: Ronda, Nicki, Sandi, Jill, Brian, Drew, Ken, Michael, Josh and Paul.


We\'ve got several ways you can reach us. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-1547. You can record an audio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at


00:00 Date
00:04 Tribute to Russ Landau by Aaron from Granville
00:48 Introductions
02:00 Ronda from Portland, OR
07:20 Nicki from Oregon
10:20 Sandi from Atlanta, GA
12:44 Jill from the Outback
14:30 Brian from ?
16:16 Drew from Utah
21:04 Ken from Albany, NY
22:28 Michael from Utah
26:02 Josh the Plush Moose from Massachusetts
30:29 Paul from Louisiana
33:09 Wrap Up
41:56 Tribute to Russ Landau by Aaron from Granville


Links for Today\'s Show
Paul\'s Visual Roster for Survivor Cagayan
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SFP on Twitter
Get your Aaron Remix on!
Survivor Cagayan Full Intro
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Contact Info:


Voicemail: 206-350-1547



Survivor Fans Podcast
P.O. Box 2811
Orangevale, CA 95662

Jo Ann and Stacy
