SDS 497: Maximizing the Global Impact of Your Career

Published: Aug. 17, 2021, 11 a.m.

b'Benjamin Todd joins us to discuss his work helping professionals maximize their career capital, the top skills to learn across professions, and more.\\n\\nIn this episode you will learn:\\n\\u2022 How Benjamin helped me become a data scientist [6:56]\\n\\u2022 How did 80,000 Hours come about? [9:39]\\n\\u2022 The impact of 80,000 Hours [14:46]\\n\\u2022 Funding [17:23]\\n\\u2022 Where does the name come from? [23:32]\\n\\u2022 What kind of advice does Benjamin give to people? [25:21]\\n\\u2022 How data scientists can make an impact [42:04]\\n\\u2022 How can someone strategize about their career? [1:02:53]\\n\\u2022 Top skills that everyone should learn [1:05:49]\\n\\nAdditional materials:'