SDS 489: Monetizing Machine Learning

Published: July 20, 2021, 11 a.m.

b'Vin Vashishta joins us to discuss his AI consulting work and his philosophy on AI strategy for monetization.\\n\\nIn this episode you will learn:\\n\\u2022 V-Squared [4:59]\\n\\u2022 Vin\\u2019s online content [17:18]\\n\\u2022 Low-code/no-code in data science [25:33]\\n\\u2022 Top five gap skills [35:19]\\n\\u2022 Data sets for insights on consumers and targeting [40:26]\\n\\u2022 Are there socially beneficial data science and machine learning applications? [43:16]\\n\\u2022 The most difficult data science problem Vin ever faced [50:39]\\n\\nAdditional materials:'