779: The Tidyverse of Essential R Libraries and their Python Analogues, with Dr. Hadley Wickham

Published: April 30, 2024, 11 a.m.

b'Tidyverse, ggplot2, and the secret to a tech company\\u2019s longevity: Hadley Wickham talks to Jon Krohn about Posit\\u2019s rebrand, Tidyverse and why it needs to be in every data scientist\\u2019s toolkit, and why getting your hands dirty with open-source projects can be so lucrative for your career.This episode is brought to you by Intel and HPE Ezmeral Software. Interested in sponsoring a SuperDataScience Podcast episode? Visit passionfroot.me/superdatascience for sponsorship information.In this episode you will learn:\\u2022 All about the Tidyverse [04:46]\\u2022 Hadley\\u2019s favorite R libraries [17:10]\\u2022 The goal of Posit [30:29]\\u2022 On bringing multiple programming languages together [36:02]\\u2022 The principles for a long-lasting tech company [52:10]\\u2022 How Hadley developed ggplot2 [55:24]\\u2022 How to contribute to the open-source community [1:05:43]Additional materials: www.superdatascience.com/779'