731: A.I. Agents Will Develop Their Own Distinct Culture, with Nell Watson

Published: Nov. 14, 2023, noon

b'Ethics and machine intelligence pioneer Nell Watson speaks to host Jon Krohn about the differences between AI ethics and AI safety, how crying wolf may result in future complications for AI development and the importance of ensuring IEEE standards to mitigate and regulate AI risks. She also touches on what she considers a \\u201csecond Enlightenment\\u201d, in which we may start to form intimate relationships with AI\\u2014to both parties\\u2019 benefit.\\n\\nThis episode is brought to you by Gurobi (https://gurobi.com/sds), the Decision Intelligence Leader, and by CloudWolf (https://www.cloudwolf.com/sds), the Cloud Skills platform. Interested in sponsoring a SuperDataScience Podcast episode? Email natalie@superdatascience.com for sponsorship information.\\n\\nIn this episode you will learn:\\n\\u2022 AI ethics and AI safety [05:30]\\n\\u2022 How "moving fast" could break the world [18:07]\\n\\u2022 The shifting relationship between humans and machines [29:54]\\n\\u2022 International ethics standards, and their review process [52:10] \\n\\u2022 Current and future ethical standards [1:05:31]\\n\\u2022 Building a universal basic income with AI [1:19:23]\\n\\nAdditional materials: www.superdatascience.com/731'