651: The Intentional Use of Color in Data Communication

Published: Feb. 7, 2023, noon

b'Data visualizations, color theories and color inclusivity: In this episode, Kate Strachnyi and host Jon Krohn discuss how color can make or break your data visuals, ways to make your charts and graphs more inclusive through color, and how Kate developed the tools and techniques to nail color for your data stories in her latest book, ColorWise: A Data Storyteller\\u2019s Guide to the Intentional Use of Color.\\n\\nIn this episode you will learn:\\n\\u2022 What a \\u201cdata storyteller\\u201d is [11:01]\\n\\u2022 Why color use should always be intentional [12:52]\\n\\u2022 Is color always necessary in data visualization? [29:41]\\n\\u2022 Color selection tips for your data visuals [31:19]\\n\\u2022 Three-color scales [34:54]\\n\\u2022 How to respect individual cultures in the color choices you make [38:25]\\n\\u2022 Best tools for data visualization [54:35]\\n\\nAdditional materials: www.superdatascience.com/651\\n\\nInterested in sponsoring a SuperDataScience Podcast episode? Visit JonKrohn.com/podcast for sponsorship information.'