Where's the life?

Published: June 25, 2017, 10 a.m.

b'\\u201cWHERE\\u2019S THE LIFE?\\u201d\\n\\nSUMMIT CHURCH, JUNE 25, 2017\\n\\nINTRO:\\n\\n1.\\tWARNING: You may like this sermon or you may hate it.\\n\\na.\\tWHY: It will push you and stretch you.\\n\\nb.\\tWHY: It will cause you think and ask questions. \\n\\n (Both of these things are good)\\n\\n2. QUESTION: Who was Clara Peller?\\n\\n3. NOTE: Our search for a church reminded me of Clara Peller and that commercial.\\n\\n a. MY QUESTION: Where\\u2019s the life?\\n\\n b. CONSIDER: \\u201cI am come that you might have \\nlife and that you might have it more abundantly.\\u201d John 10:10\\n\\n4. TWO OBSERVATIONS:\\n\\na. FIRST: In every church there were people overflowing with the life of God.\\n\\nb. SECOND: In every church there were people who weren\\u2019t. \\n\\n5. MY CONCLUSION: There is no such thing as a dead church.\\n\\n (Only dead people)\\n\\n6. MY QUESTION: Why do some have abundant life and others don\\u2019t?\\n\\n\\nA.\\t ABUNDANT LIFE\\n\\n1. NOTE: It has nothing to do with material possessions.\\n\\na.\\tNOT: \\u201cLife of abundance\\u201d\\n\\nb.\\tRATHER: \\u201cAbundant life\\u201d\\n\\n \\nSCRIPTURE: Luke 12:15 (GNT)\\n\\n15 And he went on to say to them all, \\u201cWatch out and guard yourselves from every kind of greed; because true life is not made up of the things you own, no matter how rich you may be.\\u201d\\n\\n\\n2. NOTE: This leaves us with all kinds of questions.\\n\\na. QUESTION: What is the determining factor?\\n\\n b. QUESTION: What does it look like?\\n\\n c. QUESTION: How do we get it?\\n\\n d. QUESTION: Is it available to everyone?\\n\\n3. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: It is living life with the same feeling you get when you have climbed to the top of a mountain and you sit down and just drink in the amazing view and find yourself being filled with a total sense of awe.\\n\\n4. JESUS: \\u201cNow that\\u2019s what I\\u2019m talking about.\\u201d\\n\\nB.\\tHOW DO WE GET IT?\\n\\n1.\\tQUESTION: How do we get it?\\n\\n (We don\\u2019t live on mountaintops.)\\n\\n2.\\tSTART: Was it an offer or a promise?\\n\\na.\\tQUESTION: If it were a promise, then why doesn\\u2019t every Christian have it?\\n\\nb.\\tFACT: It was not a promise, it was an offer.\\n\\n (An offer to all)\\n\\n3.\\tILLUS: It is like a coupon.\\n\\na.\\tILLUS: Get a free Big Mac\\n\\nb.\\tNOTE: Jesus was handing us a coupon that said: \\u201cGood for one abundant life.\\u201d\\n\\n 4. QUESTION: How do you redeem the coupon?\\n\\n (ANSWER: Always read the fine print.)\\n\\na.\\tILLUS: \\u201cOne free Big Mac with the purchase of another.\\u201d\\n\\nb.\\tILLUS: \\u201cMy life in exchange for your life.\\u201d\\n\\n5. NOTE: Today this seems like a strange message.\\n\\na.\\tWHY: Consider how most come to Christ.\\n\\nb.\\tWHY: Many churches present God as the one who exists to make our life better and easier.\\n\\n6. QUESTION: Is that what Jesus taught?\\n\\nSCRIPTURE: Luke 9:23-24 (EXB)\\n\\n23 Jesus said to all of them, \\u201cIf people want to follow me, they must give up the things they want. They must be willing to give up their lives daily and follow me. 24 \\u202fFor those who want to save their lives will give up true life. But those who give up their lives for me will have true life.\\n\\n7. WARNING: Don\\u2019t get crazy with this.\\n\\na.\\tILLUS: You must die for the cause of Christ.\\n\\nb.\\tNOTE: This is not Islam\\n\\n8. TRUTH: \\n\\na.\\tThe question is not, will you die for Him, but rather, will live for Him?\\n\\nb.\\tNEXT QUESTION: What does that look like?\\n\\n9. ANSWER: You do what He tells you to do.\\n\\n\\nC.\\tDO WHAT HE SAYS\\n\\n1.\\tNOTE: This is a real problem for many people.\\n\\na.\\tWHY: It means they have to acknowledge that God actually does speak to us.\\n\\nb.\\tNOTE: They are not even sure that actually happens.\\n\\nc.\\tILLUS: My pastor friend\\n\\nd.\\tCONSIDER: A relationship where only one person speaks to the other.\\n (ILLUS: Prayer)\\n2.\\tQUESTION: Does God speak to us?\\n\\na.\\tTRUTH: When you asked Christ into your life He accepted your invitation.\\n\\nb.\\tTRUTH: The Holy Spirit lives inside of you.\\n\\n\\nSCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 6:19 (TLB)\\n\\n19 Haven\\u2019t you yet learned that your body is the home of the Holy Spirit that God gave to you, and that He lives within you? Your own body does not belong to you.\\n\\n3.\\tTRUTH: He is not paying rent!\\n\\na. TRUTH: He owns the house He lives in.\\n\\nb. TRUTH: You and I are just the caretakers and gardeners.\\n\\nc. TRUTH: Just do what He tells you to do.\\n\\n d. TRUTH: Amazing fruit will be produced.\\n\\n\\n4. QUESTION: How will this produce life in me?\\n\\na.\\tANSWER: When you see the fruit you will understand.\\n\\nb.\\tNOTE: Seeing what God can do with you will fill you with the life of God.\\n\\n(You have to experience it to appreciate it.)\\n\\n5. ILLUS: Our trip to Columbus, Nebraska \\n\\n6. ILLUS: Our trip to Savannah, Georgia\\n\\n7. ILLUS: Redfield, South Dakota \\n\\n8. IMPORTANT: That has never happened again.\\n\\n9. BUT: Over and over we stand in awe as we follow His leading.\\n\\n\\nCLOSE:\\n\\n1.\\tNOTE: I challenge you to start living everyday expecting God to give you marching orders.\\n\\n2. NOTE: Expect it to get a little scary.\\n\\n3. NOTE: Sometimes you won\\u2019t feel like anything was accomplished.\\n\\n4. IMPORTANT: You did what God told you to do.\\n\\n5. RESULT: Get ready to really start living.'