The Freedom of Forgiveness: The Ring

Published: May 8, 2016, 10 a.m.

b'THE FULLNESS OF FORGIVENESS\\nThe Freedom of Forgiveness: The Ring\\nMay 8, 2016\\n\\nPlease turn to Luke 15:23: (NIV) \\n\\nThree elements of son-ship: the robe, the ring, the shoes\\nThe ring: the Greek usage here suggests it\\u2019s a sealing (signet) ring: used to document official family business matters\\n\\u2022\\tA son who had already taken his portion of the family business and wasted it is now reinstated and given full-power of attorney\\n\\nBig Idea: You and I must learn to walk beyond just being accepted into the family to controlling partners in the Kingdom business\\nWhat exactly is this family business? Currently it\\u2019s reclaiming what was lost (Genesis 1:26).\\nHow\\u2019s He doing it? \\na.\\tThrough a powerful declaration of His love: The death of His Son Jesus Christ (John 3:16)\\n\\nb.\\tThrough a powerful demonstration that He is the Lord of life: The resurrection of Jesus Christ \\nApp: What God has done for us will only work where it\\u2019s received\\nc.\\tThrough His Church: As we move in the authority He has placed on our fingers\\n\\n\\u201cThey will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well\\u2026\\u201d Mark 16:18b\\n-See Matthew 28:18-20\\n-See Matthew 5:14-16\\n-See 2Cor 5:17-19 GNT\\nHow did Jesus speak? (ref. John 3:34)\\nJesus was His Father\\u2019s sealed servant (ref. John 16:27b)\\nLikewise we are Gods sealed servants. (ref. Ephesians 1:13b. Also 2Corinthians 1:21b-22)\\n\\nWhat is God\\u2019s Spirit speaking into your life today? How must you respond?'