Never Alone One Another

Published: Sept. 23, 2018, 10 a.m.

b'Never Alone \\u2013 One Another\\nSeptember 23rd, 2018\\n\\nOne Another is a theme that scripture repeats many times. When Jesus commands us to Love One Another, He is showing us what it means to live in community. \\n\\n\\u2022\\tLove\\u2026One Another\\t\\t\\tJohn 13: 34-35\\n\\u2022\\tPray for\\u2026One Another\\t\\tJames 5: 16\\n\\u2022\\tEncourage\\u2026One Another \\t\\tHeb 3:12-13\\n\\u2022\\tServe\\u2026One Another \\t\\t\\tGal 5:13\\n\\u2022\\tBear with\\u2026One Another\\t\\tCol 3:12-13\\n\\u2022\\tSpur on\\u2026One Another\\t\\tHeb 10:24\\n\\u2022\\tHonor\\u2026One Another\\t\\t\\tRom 12:10\\n\\u2022\\tConfess to\\u2026One Another\\t\\tJames 5:16\\n\\u2022\\tSubmit to\\u2026One Another\\t\\tEph 5:19-21\\n\\u2022\\tSpeak truth to\\u2026One Another\\t\\tEph 4:25\\n\\u2022\\tBuild up\\u2026One Another\\t\\t1 Thes. 5:9-11\\n\\nJohn 13:34-35 (NIV)\\n\\n\\u201cA new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.\\u201d\\n\\nWhat is community?\\n\\nActs 2:44-47\\nEphesians 4:11-16\\n\\nThree great values of life groups:\\n1. Sustained life change happens best in a small group!\\n2. Life make more sense in context!\\n3. Groups provide opportunity for spiritual leadership and growth!'