In Your Defense

Published: Jan. 7, 2018, 10 a.m.

b'GREATER: Pt 3-Greater Advocate\\nIn Your Defense\\nJanuary 7, 2018\\n\\nPlease turn in your Bibles to Hebrews 5:1-10 \\n\\nThree Functions of a High Priest: Grace, grace and more Grace \\n\\n1(V 1): \\u201cAppointed\\u201d to be our representative/mediator\\n\\n2 (V 1): \\u201cOffer\\u201d worship on our behalf\\n\\n3 (V 1): \\u201cSelected\\u201d as a fallible human just like you and me\\n\\nA priest: a practical example of God\\u2019s grace\\nIt was imperfect, temporary and pointed to something greater\\n\\nNow enter Jesus: perfect Priest and King \\n\\n\\u2022\\tJesus is perfect \\n\\u2022\\tJesus is forever\\n\\u2022\\tJesus represents you to the Father\\n\\u2022\\tJesus is the sacrifice to end all sacrifices\\n\\u2022\\tJesus is the way for imperfect people to approach God\\n\\nThe old office of priest is dead\\n \\nTwo final applications:\\n\\nV 7: Because Jesus was heard you can know that your prayers are being heard\\n\\nV 8-9: Through the anguish Christ suffered in His death (level of obedience He had never experienced prior), he now can identify with us in our troubles (anguish)\\n\\nWhat is God\\u2019s Spirit speaking into your life today? How must you respond?'