For Cave Dwellers Only

Published: Jan. 15, 2017, 10 a.m.

b'Life\\u2019s Mountains and Valleys\\nFor Cave Dwellers Only\\nJanuary 15, 2017\\n\\n1 Samuel 22:1-2 (NIV)\\n \\nPsalm 142\\n\\nDiscovering the Way \\n1: The Cave: How It Happened (1 Samuel 22:1) David ended up virtually alone in a cave because he had \\na.\\tno self\\nb.\\tno comfort\\nc.\\tno hope \\n\\nWe must enter into the uncomfortable places where God can deeply change us through Jesus for the sake of the world.\\n\\n2. The Challenge: What It Involved (1 Samuel 22:1\\u20132) \\na.\\tDavid was give a new team\\nb.\\tDavid was given new purpose with new needs \\nc.\\tDavid was given new leadership \\n\\nStarting Your Journey \\nAs we learn from David, we must remember that his experience changed him because he was\\u2026 \\na.\\thurt enough to admit his need (Hungry) Desperate\\nb.\\thonest enough to cry for help (Humble) Broken\\nc.\\thumble enough to learn from God (Smart) Ready\\n\\nWhere you are today is the place where He can empower you to life\\u2019s greatest mission:\\n\\n-Love God: Have no one or nothing in your life that you love more.\\n-Love His people: the Team, the Body of Christ, which is the church.\\n-Love those who are far from Him: those who have not accepted \\n Jesus as their Lord and Savior.\\n\\nThat\\u2019s what you were made for.\\n\\nLet\\u2019s rejoice together.'