Amos 1-5

Published: June 3, 2012, 10 a.m.

b'Majoring in the Minors (Minor Prophets)Amos: The Truth about InjusticePlease turn in your Bible to the prophecy of Amos. Amos 1:1: He\\u2019s not a \\u201cprofessional\\u201d prophet. He\\u2019s a shepherd. But let justice roll on like a river,righteousness like a never-failing stream! Amos 5:24His ministry may have only lasted about 2 years, (somewhere between 760-750 BC).Amos 7:12-14: Amaziah, the \\u201cprofessional\\u201d, well educated priest at Bethel, wanted to shut Amos up. App: Let the prophet Amos remind us that God uses ordinary people. (ref. 1Cor. 1:26-31)Judgments against \\u201cheathen nations for\\u201d: (ref. Matthew 22:39b)1:6: forced slavery1:9: human trafficking1:11: lack of compassion (hate)1:13 abuse and murder2:1: disrespect for the dead and those in positions of authority Judgments against \\u201cpeople of God\\u201d for: 2:4 (Judah): rejecting God\\u2019s law and running after false gods (ref. Matthew 22:39)2:6 (Israel): total unrighteous\\u2022Selling needy instead of helping them\\u2022Trampled on the poor\\u2022Denying justice to oppressed\\u2022Sexually perverse\\u2022Using what they took from poor in \\u201cworship\\u201d \\u2022Ignoring God\\u2019s prophetsWhat can we learn from this? \\u2022God is the King of the Universe: we will all give account\\u2022The \\u201cpeople of God\\u201d will be held accountable as well.App: May our love for God be best seen in our actions toward others Amos 3-5:6: Coming HomeWhat does it mean to return to the Lord? (ref. Isaiah 55:6-7)\\u2022To return to the Lord means to change our minds toward Him\\u2022To return to the Lord also means to change our directionWhy should we return to the Lord?5:4: It\\u2019s the only way to experience the life for which we were created. (ref. John 10:10)5:5: It\\u2019s the only way to experience the blessings God intended. 5:6: It\\u2019s the only way to prepare for His coming. What is God\\u2019s Spirit speaking into your life today? How must you respond?'