Scott Ginsberg, the name tag guy. a social experiment that created a business and a world record

Published: Dec. 12, 2021, 11:19 p.m.

b'Hello, my name is _____

Simply google the word \'name tag\' and you will easily find Scott Ginsberg. His social experiment of wearing a name tag every day, every night and even to bed - created not only a business, but also a world record and the bragging rights to being an urban legend.

This Author. Speaker. Stratagist. Filmmaker. Publisher. Inventor. Songwriter. World Record Holder. also creates songs and makes music. But not about name tags. Yes, I asked.

Learn how Scott went viral even though he doesn\'t put much effort into social media.
He says goes for volume and speed but doesn\'t worry about type-os. We can learn from this. Get content out there, and stop considering if everyone is ok with it.'