Katrina McGhee - sabbatical expert who took a career break to travel the world

Published: Feb. 10, 2024, 2:53 a.m.

b'Imagine trying to sleep on the eve of the morning you know you\'re going to quit your job to travel the world for nearly two years.

"I believe success comes from sharing your journey. So tell everyone!" Katrina McGhee, MBA,
Certified Life Coach who helps people design career breaks to create more fulfilling lives.

After saving $40k in 18 months, Katrina left her corporate job for a twenty-month break to travel the world. Now she shares her Break Blueprint to help others create fool-proof plans to navigate successful breaks of their own!

Her book is in the Wiley Brand "For Dummies" collection. (They approached her, I am so dang impressed). Check out Taking a Career Break for dummies. Learning made easy. Discover your cheat code for a successful break.

Katrina says: You can afford to take a break, and you can decide HOW to spend your break. She loves to help clients set goals and stay motivated, just as her coach did for her.

How do we give notice to our employer? How can we travel like a pro? What happens after the career break?

..... and what is the FAILED prank story Katrina shares? Don\'t miss this conversation!
