Edie Weinstein - overcoming the taboo of touch, and being opti-mystic

Published: Feb. 17, 2023, 2:12 a.m.

b'"It\'s about seeing the world through the eyes of possibility." - Edie Weinstein

Speaker, author, creative journalist and licensed social worker Edie Weinstein is a hugger. Not the annoying kind that grabs a body without consent. There are rules, and courtesies that go with touch.

This bright soul shares beautiful thoughts to consider, such as:

  • Body Sovereignty
  • Nurturing touch
  • Opti-mystic discovery
  • The choice of possibility
  • Quieting monkey mind
  • Behind the scenes of a TEDx talk
Jump in and feel better about your day, get inspiration and a big dose of bliss!

Facebook: Edie Weinstein
TEDx Talk of 2022 "The Taboo of Touch"'