Your Biggest Baddest Life With Business and Empowerment Coach Sarah B Rawz. Part 1.

Published: Oct. 29, 2020, 10 a.m.

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is Stories From Women Who Walk: true-life, practical, funny, heart-breaking, insightful human experience stories from women who are walking their lives while their lives walk them and the lasting difference these journeys have made. You’ll recognize yourself in stories of adversity, challenge, fear, discovery, adventure, expression, and more. Why? Because, the sorcery of stories is this: they help each of us to be seen and heard, to understand and be understood. I’m your host, Diane Wyzga.

Today my guest is Sarah B Rawz who’s joining us from Virginia. Sarah B and I met up on LinkedIn joined by a common interest in life adventures, self-empowerment, making something good out of the garbage, and becoming your best or baddest self. How? Sarah B says, “What I have, in abundance, is the ability to move people toward their own answers.” Her clients agree! They’ve called her smart, talented, insightful, practical, empathetic, a guiding light, and a gifted career coach. I find her also to be fun, fabulous, and inspiring. Welcome to the podcast, Sarah B!

Minute 1:50 to 6:00

Start From Where You Are.

If I met up with you on a hiking trail what’s the first thing I’d notice?

  • My laugh!
  • Clients say my laugh helps make challenging conversations easier
  • Personal development and self-exploration is serious and laughter enhances joy and removes some fear

If we had some time to walk along together what might I get to know?

  • Long ago Sarah B noticed people saw themselves in her in a way they liked and hadn’t seen before
  • Being a coach encourages her Super Power
  • Ineffable quality of interaction: we see ourselves more fully
  • Sarah B offers connection to wholeness

When we parted ways what would I remember?

  • Sense of warmth
  • Deeply seen and heard
  • Lasting sense of connection

Transition to Professional Coaching

6:00 to 10:20  Back Story

  • Shifting a little here: I’d like to ask you for a little backstory for context. Your website says it’s been 7 years since you made the best personal decision of your life: to become a coach. Few people transition or pivot from a state of bliss. What was going on for you?
  • Co-owner of Very Ordinary Business Services - was 4th in a chain of start-ups while asking: who am I and for what?
  • Knew desired being self-employed and helpful but still unclear how and for whom
  • Early on worked with teens in foster system but unprepared for the role
  • Carried belief for a decade that she lacked the “personally helpful” skill set
  • While networking met up with mentor who encouraged her for 2 years to become a coach
  • Mastermind group provided her energy and courage to leap to coaching path, becoming certified and working with client in record time
  • Believes in Divine Tine and keep on walking until you get there
  • We live our lives looking forward and understand them looking backward

10:20 to 12:00  Conscious Decision-making

  • Role of conscious decision-making versus happenstance or by default
  • Alignment with core self and values
  • Transition of deliberateness is key to her personal process and professional progress

12:00 to 16:25  Shifting From Meh! to True Self 

  • What shifted from Neutral to deliberate decision-making
  • National group of (leadership development) women cohorts introduced her to a pathway of spirituality after rejecting conventional religion.
  • Sarah B felt awareness shifting and recognized emotions moving to -> Ah ha! I have it, too. I am spirit!
  • The process of moving toward our best self!
  • Felt like soda bottle exploding in her core and joy!
  • Big yelling episodes - letting it out
  • Twenty Mile Zone by Dory Previn (On My Way to Where (1970))

16:25 to 20:40  Packing it In?

  • When might you have wanted to pack it in? Uncertain whether you were on the right walk or path?
  • Where was the frustration or uncertainty?
  • Self-doubt, self-denigration, worthlessness, invisible in spades balanced with uncorked joy as well as panic and dread
  • Image: threw a grenade at life: divorce, moved, pain, losses, changes
  • Anais Nin quote: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
  • Personal knowingness: do this or turn your back on your life
  • We teach what we know or have learned the hard way - celestial contract
  • Walking through the Valley of Death to True North

Discomfort Is Sara B's Coaching Super Power

20:40 to 24:00 Discomfort Unveiled

  • What can you say about Discomfort?
  • How do we know it
  • Where do we feel it
  • What can we do about it
  • How do we accommodate it
  • Spent time AVOIDING discomfort!
  • Now knows to bring curiosity to it and check if feeling out of alignment, or boundaries shifted
  • Discomfort is a fantastic messenger of internal landscape
  • Tip: When discomfort shows up invite it to sit at the table and become curious
  • Listen to your body which is the ultimate truth-teller
  • Focus your attention and listen to what discomfort has to teach

24:00 to 27:25  Discomfort As a Coaching Super Power

  • How Sarah B created a coaching Super Power out of rough and dirty
  • Quoted Jordan Mercedes: move through discomfort but don’t think about it
  • Playfulness with discomfort is her coaching approach
  • Pain and discomfort are inevitable parts of life; what is not inevitable is joy - access it by facing discomfort
  • Thich Nhat Hanh teaches how to sit with fear, suffer well so as to suffer less

27:25 to 31:40  What People Do Not Always Understand

  • What's something that people get wrong about you and your Super Power of discomfort
  • Those who resist experiencing discomfort
  • Sarah B is not advocating wallowing; nor is she advocating switching off the discomfort
  • Like her clients she experiences the depressive moments
  • Pema Chodrin and pain and discomfort is like waves in the ocean
  • Tip: to recognize, accommodate and stay afloat we befriend our wholeness as it is in entirety
  • All parts of ourselves are all of us and become our wholeness
  • No part needs to be exiled
  • When we accept it all we can work toward creating our biggest baddest lives!

Here we are, at the end of the road but not the journey. Thank you for listening to this episode of Stories From Women Who Walk with your host Diane Wyzga and my guest Business and Empowerment Coach Sarah B Rawz. We’ll pick up with Part 2 next Thursday to hear more about Sarah B, her walk, coaching practices, and favorite teaching topics. Remember to visit Sarah B on her website - the link is in the Episode Notes, and sign up for her newsletter to stay in touch.  Meanwhile, please stop by every Monday through Friday for 60 Seconds, Time Out Tuesday, Story Prompt Friday, and every Thursday for longer guest interviews and Diane-On-Mic episodes. You’ll find us on Simplecast or your favorite podcast platform. Come for the stories - stay for the magic! And speaking of magic, would you leave us a nice rating and review on Apple Podcasts. When you return bring your friends and rellies. You will have wonderful company as we walk our lives together!  

Sarah B's BIO:

Sarah B Rawz is a business and empowerment coach who builds her work on two guiding beliefs: One, that we are not creating our best selves but, rather, uncovering them; and, two, that the often-challenging work of uncovering our best selves is also what gives us the energy, presence, and wisdom to make our unique positive change in the world. From that foundation, she acts as a catalyst for professionals, world-changers, and humans of all stripes to live more fully into their biggest, baddest life.

How to connect to Sarah B: [website | linkedin | newsletter goodness]



Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Entering Erdenheim from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

Sound Editing: Dawin Carlisle & First Class Reels

All content and image © 2019 - Present for credit and attribution: Quarter Moon Story Arts