Susanne Mueller Challenges You To Show Up, Say Yes! Part 2.

Published: Aug. 27, 2020, 10 a.m.

Coming to you from Whidbey Island Washington, this is Stories From Women Who Walk a uniquely forward-looking, story-based podcast for anyone charmed by and curious about the power of story to profoundly and positively shift our awareness, our behavior, even our culture as well as those who wish to learn more about the power of walking to reveal the world around us and within us. Like magic, the sorcery of stories is this: they help each of us to be seen and heard, to understand and be understood.

When asked if she was luckier than most having been born in the shadow of a castle in Thune, Switzerland, Susanne Mueller said her luck was born of a willingness to see life’s challenges for what they really were: an opportunity to show up, say Yes!, take it on, and help others. When talking with Susanne last week I asked her who taught her courage to risk. Let’s rejoin the conversation as Susanne shares with us her Life journey and how risk-taking and saying Yes! informs her podcast, Take It From the Iron Woman, her blog,  and her international CEO consulting and coaching practice


00 to 2:35   Intro

2:35 to 6:00    Cooperation & Collaboration

  • You don’t do it alone; cooperation and collaboration are key
  • The journey is more important than the destination
  • Learning to ski in virgin snow
  • Challenging oneself
  • Getting out of your comfort zone
  • I do all these challenges for me - so I know what it takes
  • Executive coaching and speaking from the place of being challenged and prevailing
  • Curious to learn what it’s like
  • Running, marathons, sky-diving, mountaineering
  • Do something new, grow and have fun

6:00 to 8:50   Curiosity

  • Live to be even more curious
  • Not knowing what’s there
  • The only way to know: embrace and do
  • Tandem sky dive experience: I have to jump out! Pull the cord NOW!
  • And, it’s fun!

8:50 to 13:17  Climbing Mt.Kilimanjaro

  • 19,341 feet - the tallest mountain in Africa and 4th highest of the 7 summits
  • Packing: adding a little more and then leaving it behind
  • Afraid: what if X, Y, or Z won’t work
  • Broke in shoes walking in Manhattan
  • Altitude sickness despite fitness training  
  • Take altitude pills or don’t climb
  • Swiss flag was tent marker in night
  • Group support
  • Camaraderie of guides
  • Playing Uno together
  • Coach us!
  • People want to learn

13:17 to 15:00  Fears & Frustrations

  • Mt. Kilimanjaro was agreeable because of her training, running, endurance
  • In mountaineering: go slow to go fast
  • Pacing
  • Quiet

15:00 to 19:00  Life Before & After X

  • Professional Life: American Dream: anything is possible!
  • No job - now what?
  • Solopreneur presents opportunities
  • 10 years international coaching and keynoting
  • Freedom, opportunities and downsides
  • In good times, you save and in bad times you invest.”
  • Life-long learner tips: know industries, know the competition
  • Running taught flexibility and how to coach

19:00 to 20:00   Reflections

  • Seth Godin's altMBA course: reflections prepared for COVID time
  • Legacy: Susanne Mueller Academy

20:00 to 22:00  Luck & Being Lucky

  • Risk-taker now alone in New York City needed support of others
  • Tips: network early, create a support system, give back
  • Opportunity doesn’t knock; you have to create the opportunity and the door
  • Say yes! Before you know how you will make it happen
  • Pay attention to your inner voice

22:00 to 24:00   Powerful Topics

  • Leadership, Inclusion, Diversity
  • How do you know?
  • Passion of learning
  • Google is our friend to gather research but the personal story speaks the language of the audience

24:00 to 26:30    Podcast: Take It From the Iron Woman

  • Goal: lasting results
  • Showcase the guests
  • Promote and share knowledge to benefit us all
  • Support the entrepreneurs
  • Uplift those who need a little more uplifting
  • Everyone can take something away: empower, motivate others, service to others

26:30 to 29:00   Uplift Others

  • Tell your stories
  • Listen to the stories
  • Women and walking
  • Anything is possible!

Susanne Mueller, MA - Biography

Susanne is an executive coach, traveled to 50+ countries and worked with clients from 60+ different countries; she speaks 5 languages. She worked for Swiss Airlines, Swiss Mission to the United Nations, Nestlé, Asian Leadership Institute and teaching at New York University.

Susanne holds an MA in organizational development & leadership, Columbia University, New York, a BA in psychology, Marymount Manhattan College, New York, and the Executive Coaching Certificate, Columbia University, New York.

Susanne climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, completed the ironman triathlon, and marathon distance races. She is a weekly blogger, a podcaster and author “Take it from the Ironwoman.”

Connect with Susanne:

Instagram: Susanne_mueller_nyc

Twitter: @susanne3600




Here we are - at the end of the road but not the journey. Thank you for listening to this episode of Stories From Women Who Walk. I hope you enjoyed as much as I did the insights and reflections Susanne Mueller shared with us as she continues to walk her remarkable life. And, there’s more to enjoy: you’re invited to stop by every Monday through Friday for 60 Seconds, Time Out Tuesday, Story Prompt Friday, and every Thursday for longer guest interviews and Diane-On-Mic episodes. You’ll find us on Simplecast or your favorite podcast platform. Come for the stories - stay for the magic. And, speaking of magic would you leave us a nice rating or review on Apple Podcasts. When you return bring your friends and rellies. You will have wonderful company as we walk our lives together.

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Entering Erdenheim from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

Editing: Darwin Carlisle & First Class Reels

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts