Part 2: What Would You Say To Someone Who Wants To Walk Camino? Elena Marsh Said This....

Published: July 23, 2020, 10 a.m.

Coming to you from Whidbey Island Washington, this is Stories From Women Who Walk a uniquely forward-looking, story-based podcast for anyone charmed by and curious about the power of story to profoundly and positively shift our awareness, our behavior, even our culture as well as those who wish to learn more about the power of walking to reveal the world around us and within us. Like magic, the sorcery of stories is this: they help each of us to be seen and heard, to understand and be understood.

When asked the question, “What would you do if you were fearlessly courageous?”  Elena Marsh said, “I would walk Camino”.  And she did walk - in August 2019. But miles weren’t all she collected. There was personal growth. Talking with Elena last week in Part 1 I asked her what she would say to someone contemplating the Camino. Let’s rejoin the conversation as Elena fills us in and we continue to walk together retracing her footsteps across Spain.  

28:00 to 30:00  Q: Camino is a moment in time; how did the experience shift your life?

  • Camino footprints: Camino will continue to live on
  • Relaxed, present, balanced, mindful
  • Deliberate focus and mindfulness eludes

32:00 to 36:00 Photos and feelings

  • Sunflowers
  • Pointing her stick to yellow arrow
  • Lake in the distance
  • A Camino gallery in the home
  • Camino Frances (Camino de Santiago) is like a return home
  • Yellow arrow and camaraderie
  • Mixed feelings


36:00 to 41:00  Questions to elicit recall

  • Insights and gifts
  • Camino calls many people many ways
  • Note: you will experience as much peace as you brought
  • She would ask those who want to walk: "What are you bringing with you?"
  • Camino can double your luggage.


41:00 to 45:00 International Leadership Transformation Coach/BeCoach Academy

  • Focus of her work
  • To lead others you must learn to lead yourself
  • Turn your face from ME! To we - we - we
  • Camino enriches her work
  • Present, courageous, empathetic


45:00 to 48:00 - What changes to make, for whom after Camino

  • Climate change, clean water, global budget
  • Failure of leadership
  • Inviting awareness
  • Drop of water becomes ripples and leads to kinder, more compassionate world


48:00 to 52:16 ~ Continuing to walk Camino experience

  • Camino does not end here; but begins here when you bring it home
  • Camino dream for 2020: Camino del Norte
  • Importance of love, compassion, kindness
  • Buen Camino ("good road, good path")


Walking Camino de Santiago was my dream for many years since my husband showed me the film “The Way” with Martin Sheen and Emilio Estavez.  With all my insights I felt that I MUST go. I just knew it's my thing to do and that something special will happen to me there. Year after year I was postponing the adventure. Until December 2018 when I had a coaching session with my coach and she asked me “What would you do if you were fearlessly courageous?” And I said: “I would walk Camino”. And from this moment it all began to get serious. My Camino happened in August 2019. Together with my husband, I walked from Saint Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostella. It impacted my life significantly on different levels. And this is what I will be sharing with you in this podcast.

CONTACT: BeCoach Academy


Thank you for listening to this episode of Stories From Women Who Walk. I hope you enjoyed the adventure and reflections on Elena Marsh’s Camino journey across Spain as much as I did. And, there’s more to enjoy: you’re invited to stop by every Monday through Friday for 60 Seconds, Time Out Tuesday, Story Prompt Friday, and every Thursday for longer guest interviews and host-on-mic episodes. You’ll find us on Simplecast or your favorite podcast platform. Meanwhile, whether you’re walking your neighborhood or abroad, solo or with others, in circles or along the straight and narrow come for the stories - stay for the magic.  And, speaking of magic would you leave us a nice review on iTunes and please come back with your friends and rellies. You will have wonderful company as we walk our lives together: Quarter Moon Story Arts