Lisbeth Overton (The Spiritually Savvy Nurse) Beckons You To Rejoin Your Spiritual Nature. Part 1.

Published: Sept. 18, 2020, 5:04 p.m.

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is Stories From Women Who Walk, a story-based podcast told by mostly women walking their lives while their lives walked them. Stories of adversity, challenge, fear, vitality, discovery, adventure, expression, and so much more. Like magic, the sorcery of stories is this: they help each of us to be seen and heard, to understand and be understood. I’m your host, Diane Wyzga

Today my guest is Lisbeth Overton. I met her several short weeks ago on Linked In. Lisbeth is a registered nurse turned spiritual entrepreneur, and the host of her recently launched podcast: The Spiritually Savvy Nurse, as well as the Creator of the Divine Downloads Oracle Deck, and a Spiritually Wealthy Woman Retreat Facilitator. Lisbeth is on a mission to guide women back to their spiritual nature through a deeper relationship with their higher selves. Welcome to the podcast, Lisbeth!


00 to 2:05 - Intro

Start From Where You Are

2:05 to 6:09  Nursing Experiences

  • Family of healing arts practitioners
  • Sports Medicine Degree turned into folding towels at a gym; is this all it is? now what?
  • Returned to nursing school “because it would be easy
  • 22 years later she discovered that nursing allowed her to find her own self
  • Facilitating healing for others
  • Nursing as profession is flexible, creative, wide-open, and  diverse
  • What she learned: our experiences mirror others and they mirror us providing opportunities to evolve
  • Not my job to fix people but hold space for them
  • When others feel seen, validated and supported they thrive

2 years ago: Divine Downloads Oracle Deck

6:09 to 10:15  Personal Development 

  • Personal development has been a lifelong work
  • Overcoming her ingrained belief she is not creative
  • Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, “drawn like a moth to a flame.”
  • Hears a Divine contact message to create an oracle deck
  • How am I supposed to do that?
  • Asked for divine support to create the Divine Downloads Oracle Deck
  • Had been on spiritual sojourn for 8 years but still something was missing
  • Discovered a missed connection with her Higher Self - spiritual part of nature
  • We can be taught religion but we can’t be taught faith
  • Difference praying to God and communicating with God

10:15 to 12:05  Life Walked Her

  • How did the Divine contact experience turn life upside down?
  • Received faith over fear and "what if?"
  • If you want to take the island you need to burn the boats.” Tony Robbins
  • Became at ease, peaceful, trusting, allowing, receive and follow-through - and was having fun

12:05 to 16:43   Expectations Versus Reality

  • She trusted the message to create the Oracle Deck
  • Did question the call - who will care or pay attention?
  • Challenged by fear and ego
  • Pressed through: what do these healing words mean to you?
  • Embody the words with affirmations (wisdom bits) and thought-provoking question
  • 2 months from Divine Call to finishing the deck
  • Momentous to her: executed and completed a project
  • Spiritual team responded to affirm her achievement
  • Reward was getting it into the world
  • When you say “Yes!”you open the door to the miraculous

Paying Attention To Divine Time

16:43 to 19:39  It's Divine Time

  • How to recognize Divine Time?
  • Struggle becomes ease
  • We’ve been sold a Bad Bill of Goods: life is expensive, complicated and a struggle
  • Feel confidence, this is right, fun, allowing, no doubt or worry
  • You receive what you prepare for.” Question: for what are we preparing? Worst case or miracles?
  • Shifted to miracle consciousness
  • Practice manifesting mind/body/spirit alignment to attract what you are deserving of

19:39:11 to 23:07  Transformation

  • Where were you on the walk of your life?
  • Adversity: loved her part-time work but felt trapped, uncertain, made excuses, had a desire but couldn’t get off the dime to teach yoga....pivoted
  • Looking to evolve: where do I go, what do I do, how do I do?
  • Casting about, spending money, researching; became an 8 year journey that landed her where she is
  • 48 year personal life trajectory in total
  • Transformation happens moment by moment, decision by decision

23:07 to 25:25   Soul Connection

  • Was taught to pray but the Higher Self showed that there is another way to listen, dialogue and connect
  • The Higher Self has the 10,000 foot view of life, long game, blue print and guides you
  • Higher Self communication by personal soul nudges: a feeling, a knowing, maybe by dreams
  • Paying attention is the key
  • You have what you need; when will you give it expression?

25:25 to 28:49   Spiritually Bankrupt

  • How come I was raised in religion but didn’t have access to support and faith
  • Disconnected and lost
  • Feeling bad or guilty for wanting more
  • Today I trust in what I can’t yet see
  • Depth of faith is synonymous with what you manifest
  • Given an invitation which you are asked to accept
  • How does a woman distinguish being spiritually bankrupt from being fatigued, bored, exhausted?

Here we are, at the end of the road but not the journey. Thank you for listening to this episode of Stories From Women Who Walk with your host Diane Wyzga and my guest Lisbeth Overton. We’ll pick up with Part 2 of Lisbeth’s transformational life walk next Thursday. Meanwhile, stop by every Monday through Friday for 60 Seconds, Time Out Tuesday, Story Prompt Friday, and every Thursday for longer guest interviews and Diane-On-Mic episodes. You’ll find us on Simplecast or your favorite podcast platform. "Come for the stories - stay for the magic!" And speaking of magic, would you leave us a nice rating and review on Apple Podcasts. When you return bring your friends and rellies. You will have wonderful company as we walk our lives together.


Lisbeth Overton is a registered nurse turned spiritual entrepreneur. She is the podcast host of The Spiritually Savvy Nurse, Creator of the Divine Downloads Oracle Deck, and is a Spiritually Wealthy Woman Retreat Facilitator. Lisbeth is on a mission to guide women back to their spiritual nature through a deeper relationship with their higher selves.

You can connect with Lisbeth on social media and her website:



Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Entering Erdenheim from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

Sound Editing: Dawin Carlisle & First Class Reels

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts