Imagine This: Playing Your Way To Authentic Change With Brandi Heather and Amped2Play

Published: July 2, 2020, 10 a.m.

So far back in time it almost seems like a dream I asked my new friend and podcasting colleague Brandi Heather in Alberta, Canada if she would agree to be my first guest interview. Fearless, resourceful (works magic with a piece of gum and a pool noodle), and adventuring Amped2Play woman that she is, “Yes!” was her reply. Brandi and I had a chance to talk together in November 2019 so there’s reference to colder weather than we might be experiencing today in Summer 2020 as well as some early technical sound issues we trust you will overlook. I’m so happy you’ve chosen to come along and hear Brandi’s story about how she walked her life and her life walked her. Stay with us to the end - which is always the best part. 

00:00 to 4:30

  • Background & Welcome & Setting the Stage

4:30 to 6:35  

  • Childhood in cold weather
  • Childhood in Alberta, Canada; what outside snow play brought to her life

6:35 to 8:15  

  • Snow activities informs life
  • Outdoor camping, snow building, tunneling into snow and what you learn taking risks

8:15 to 10:00  

  • Try, Fail and Figure It Out
  • How these experiences informed life

10:00 to 20:00 

  • The path: How a piece of gum and a pool noodle skills led to Amped2Play
  • Wanted people to know that PhysEd was for everyone
  • Driven by this awareness
  • Athletic therapy
  • Master’s research loss to personal gain
  • Loved teaching adults (big humans)
  • Working in disability and adaptive Phys Ed - creative and innovative
  • Created community where the theme was “I’m okay here.” Parents and children could play
  • Built curiosity and inclusiveness
  • We lost our play skills - now what? Amped2Play was born
  • Teaching resilience, play skills, innovation, failure, and fundamentally shifts lives
  • Even the elderly - they’re the players and we tell them to "Be careful - take care."

20:00 to 26:40  

  • How does Amped2Play work
  • In other times we would walk, get lost, find our way back
  • Now, danger curtails independence
  • Brandi created and designed Amped2Play for whom and how
  • What does the world need? Active Movement Potential Education (Amped2Play)
  • Move body, mind, social connection with inclusive mindset
  • Intention: using play to disrupt how differences are  traditionally dealt with and shift attitudes and behavior
  • Research based
  • Result: life-changing experiences

26:40 to 31:30  

  • Play bridges differences
  • Using what we knew as children to bridge and find commonality
  • What she would like to see happen: start to create environments of curiosity, questioning, inclusion and diversity training
  • Shame does not change behavior - play does
  • Using peoples’ inherent gifts turns fear and intimidation on its head -> authentically changes the environment in organizations, classroom, etc.

31:30 to 36:30 

  • Playing For a Change podcast and integration with Amped2Play vision
  • Great stories from childhood and how to ignite change
  • Vulnerability, mental illness, anxiety, and depression
  • Spinning gold out of life straw
  • Inspiration comes from the journey we are asked to walk
  • Finding joy at the hardest times

36: 30 to 41:00 

  • Our worst can end up our best - but how?
  • No mud, no lotus
  • Confronting fear
  • How life was understood looking backward
  • The helps: value of art, play, moments of authenticity, turn off The Critics

41:00 to the end  47:53

  • The mental health journey
  • The art studio and being “so much better than that.”
  • "Fire this!" Becomes epiphany: Create for your own good self.


Brandi Heather, Co-founder, and Chief Knowledge Officer, AMPED2Play. "Professional. Inclusive. Multigenerational. Measurable."

 A sought-after international facilitator and speaker, Brandi Heather helps organizations succeed by using Applied Play Experiences to break down barriers to inclusion to create more effective teams. Her “disruptor” approach invites people to see the world differently, creating sustainable, and authentic change.

 Brandi’s 20 + years of  diversity and inclusion leadership, program creation, instruction, academic and career expertise in accessible play led to her co-found Amped2Play with Ozzie Sawicki. This innovative new company is quickly making an impact in diversity and inclusion training in Canada and around the world.

Brandi builds customized Diversity & Inclusion programs that people WANT to attend and that create REAL change, using play as the catalyst for authentic change

WEBSITE:  Amped2PlayInc

PODCAST: Play For A Change

ARTICLES on  Linked In:

Inclusive Language is a Bridge That Connects Two Sides    

Thanks For Playing

ARTICLES also on Amped2Play Blog 


Here we are at the end of the road but not the journey. Thank you for listening to this episode of Stories From Women Who Walk. I hope you enjoyed walking along with me. And, there’s more to enjoy: you’re invited to stop by every Monday through Friday for 60 Seconds, Time Out Tuesday, Story Prompt Friday, and every Thursday for longer guest interviews and host-on-mic episodes. You’ll find us on Simplecast or your favorite podcast platform. Come for the stories - stay for the magic. You will have wonderful company as we walk our lives together: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Entering Erdenheim from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

Editing: Darwin Carlisle & First Class Reels

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts