From Life's Curve Ball to Noted Podcaster, Facilitator & Coach. Welcome to Part 1 With Dr. Myriam Hadnes.

Published: Feb. 11, 2021, 11 a.m.

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is Stories From Women Who Walk. You’ll recognize yourself in these true-life stories from women who are walking their lives while their lives walk them and the lasting difference these journeys have made. I’m your host, Diane Wyzga.  

Today my guest is Dr. Myriam Hadnes, founder of Workshops Work who’s joining us from Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. Why are we talking with her today? Like many of us Dr. Hadnes was on a successful professional track when Life threw her a curveball transforming her from behavioral economist to noted podcaster, workshop facilitator and coach. Dr. Hadnes helps her clients think, reflect and ultimately create innovative and satisfying workshop results. What’s her secret? A belief that designing, preparing and facilitating a workshop can actually be energising. Her methods, said one client, are addictive. As a connector of ideas and of humans, Dr. Hadnes creates well-designed workshop opportunities based on human commonalities for people to collaborate, to explore, to see what might be waiting for us beyond. Let’s hear how all this came to be. Welcome to the podcast, Myriam!

Minutes 35

Minute 00 to 3:05  Intro

Start From Where You Are.

Minute 3:05 to 6:40

If I met up with you on a hiking trail what’s the first thing I’d notice
Water around her
Lives by canal which follows us as we walked to park

And if we had some time to walk along together what might I get to know about you?

Beautiful question. Answer depends on mood and situation. We show different sides of personality; she can be the  intellectual and playful as a child making silly jokes
Let’s say I met you now; what facet would we get to know?  Excited because about to host big festival, her passion project, and everything falling together  

And when we parted ways what would I remember about you?
That she is curious; almost a disturbing question and now 
over-thinking the answer
Hoping for what we’d remember: curious person who is listening and “yes-and’ing”, an enthusiastic person  who gets excited quickly, and that the walk felt short although we spent hours 

The Back Story - How Did You Get From There to Here?

Minute 6:40 to 11:00 The Transformation Begins 
I find that people (women) do not transform from wholeheartedness but rather from fatigue, exhaustion, uncertainty, a curve ball. So our listeners have some context for the life story in progress so far what happened to change a world-traveled 33 year old with a PhD and a position to help build a model research university to next? Would you tell us what happened next.

  • Initially followed a path of an academic
    PhD to follow masters because was curious to learn/explore more
    Continued in a PhD position
    Her life took her to different places because she had the good fortune to be in the right place at the right time and said “Sure!” 
    About to finish PhD with offer to help to build project in Vietnam to set up public university -> “Sure!”
    Moved to Ho Chi Minh City for 3 years
    Was asked to come to Luxembourg to help with a project -> “Sure!”
    This project filled her heart with joy: to support president of university build the model research university for the 21st Century
    He trusted her to bring together students, professors, politicians, lobbyists, ministers to imagine together what could be
    Observed beauty in an institution when you invite people to contribute their ideas
    Realized how exhausting to work in the public sector where things are slow, politics play a role, and one is a young woman who doesn’t always respect the rules
    After 2.5 years was running out of gas because tilting against windmills; it was time to move on
    Her strategy and planning team was replaced; saw no future here and was struggling

Minute 11:00 to 14:15  What Would You Do If You Were Not Afraid? 

  • Her partner asked: What would you do if you were not afraid? 
    Without thinking replied, “I would quit my job!” 
    Shocked she said this 
    Returned to her Bucket List  
    Looked into the Vipassana Meditation Retreat which she had neglected; maybe didn’t have the courage
    Meditated 10 hours/day for 10 days 
    Stuff comes up
    Became clear that it was time to quit her job and start something new
    After retreat she quit her job and moved to Amsterdam
    Her reflection on her story is deeper
    What would you do if you had no fear? 
    Her surprise at her own answer from a deep knowing

Minute 14:15 to 19:15 The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker

  • Until she had this book and realized: I’ve found my calling” there were still steps for her to take 
    Arrived in Amsterdam with prestige and title and was certain something and someone would call on her to create: organizational development
    Began stalking people on LI looking for individuals who would tell her about organizational development
    This process brought her to mentors and in 8 months time learned she was unemployable as an academic, a misfit 
    Very scary!
    Another Vipassana retreat after 8 months with no income and looking for her way 
    In these 10 days the situation of being unemployable was no longer scary
    She decided to become a solopreneur: I-Days, as idea days to brainstorm and create solutions with collaborators
    Had no idea how to run a business so invited people into masterminds, idea parties
    Experimented with what she learned was facilitation
    All along she was unaware of facilitation; and yet it’s what she was
    Clients offers to design and facilitate sessions started coming through 
    Here is where the book comes into play
    She discovered facilitator - help group communicate better - makes process easy
    Wrote on Post-It: “I am a facilitator!”
    Could be proud - no longer a misfit

Minute 19:15 to 23:55  Build It As You Go 

  • She created her very life although not the way it looked during creation process
    Felt in limbo for a time 
    Looking back is aware that she facilitated all her life
    She’s also aware that has entrepreneurial  spirit in DNA all her life but fear, lack of security held her back
    It all started with a question

Q: How do we know what the model looks like if it’s not in our upbringing? Oftentimes when we achieve goals or work through difficult circumstances, we gain a sense of security and become confident in our abilities. How did your circumstances allow you to grow your confidence?

  • Feels like it was always a step back to question all that was achieved and to unlearn the past
    Her first blog post is not academic article, so please leave the footnotes, the sources and shorten the sentences
    She resisted! “I need to show proof of my ability!”
    Her discomfort: “Who am I to share my thoughts?” “Who am I to share on social media?” 
    Her confidence to grow: she witnessed that it actually works
    Once you listen to feedback, hear positive responses, receive first Like, get first follower
    Repeated behavior becomes easier

Minute 23:55 to 27:25 The First Podcast 

  • Scheduled first podcast with a friendly mentor but on the day realized lacked a microphone so Googled: how to record   podcast and figured it out from there!
  • Was SO Scared to begin! And then it becomes what you do
  • It’s normal, it’s something you do and your confidence grows with you!
  • Your confidence grows along with you
  • Host’s podcast experience is same: What do I have to say? Who will listen? 
  • You put one foot in front of the other to walk without any idea what the walk will be like or turn into; but by taking charge of the walk you are taking charge of your confidence, as well as the challenges, fears  
  • Each time you are willing to welcome an adventure it comes with a set of other stuff without which you wouldn’t be able to keep going

Minute 27:25 to 29:40 Tips 

Q: What might you say to a listener who just got hit by, caught Life’s Curve Ball?

  • What would it look like and feel like if you could dance with fear? 
    Dealing with fear is maybe the most important skill or mindset we can grow
    For her sitting in silence taught her that things pass
    Fear and doubt and loneliness (monsters/gremlins) pass 
    Wakes up: What am I doing? How will I deal? These thoughts pass her mind and will be gone by morning 
    Fear is our partner who may step on our feet, sometimes we have to guide fear better; take the lead and make it dance backwards in heels

Minute 29:40 to 32:50  Workshops Work  Evolved 

Q: Workshops Work - How did this title come to be and  how did it become mission?

  • After second Vipassana Meditation Retreat was calling her business I-Days (idea days) but was told it didn’t ring
    Mastermind started her on podcast
    Understood she was (and has been) a facilitator but others heard consultant, advisor, moderator 
    When she said “I facilitate workshops!” the response was Oh, are people still doing that?
    Realized a need to promote role, educate public and launch marketing campaign for workshops
    With a colleague and storytelling friend brainstormed to -> Workshops Work
    The name said it all  
    The URL was available so she was happy
    Was finding her place and joy building relationships with colleagues 
    Claimed Workshops Work as her own

Q: What do you offer as a facilitator that’s different?

Here we are, at the end of the road but not the journey. Thank you for listening to Part 1 of this episode of Stories From Women Who Walk with your host Diane Wyzga and my guest Dr. Myriam Hadnes, noted facilitator, podaster and founder of Workshops Work based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Join us next week for Part 2 where we get to hear more of Myriam’s story and the engaging answer to what makes her different as a facilitator and coach of facilitators. Remember to visit Dr. Hadnes and check out all the many resources, podcast episodes and videos available to you on her website. All links to social media are in the Episode Notes.

You’re invited to check out over 230 episodes of Stories From Women Who Walk found on Simplecast or your favorite podcast platform. This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic. Speaking of magic, I hope you’ll subscribe, share a nice shout out on your social media or podcast channel of choice, and join us next time! You will have wonderful company as we walk our lives together.

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts
Music: Entering Erdenheim from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music 
Sound Editing: Dawin Carlisle & First Class Reels
All content and image © 2019 - Present: for credit and attribution Quarter Moon Story Arts

BIO of Dr. Myriam Hadnes 
Myriam Hadnes is a behavioral economist by degree, a podcaster by passion and a facilitator by profession. She is German by birth, and Amsterdammer by choice. Before starting her solo-business, Myriam had a career in higher education and research which allowed her to work, live and explore in Vietnam, Burkina Faso, and Luxembourg.

Today, she follows the vision that we can change the world – one workshop at a time – because all it takes is effective collaboration, which happens in workshops. As a pragmatic dreamer, a sense-maker, a connector of ideas and of humans, Myriam creates opportunities for others to collaborate. Myriam is an optimist – sailing towards the edges of the status quo to explore what might be waiting for us beyond.  

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