60 Seconds: Story Prompt Friday Old Growth Forest

Published: Sept. 18, 2020, 10 a.m.

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds for Story Prompt Friday with questions carefully chosen to help you collect stories in the oral tradition or spark your own writing. Either way, you'll say, "Thanks for the memories."

Stopping my walk in an old growth forest rescued from the developers by tree huggers (literally) back in the 1970s I leaned against a tree some 300 years old. Trees stretch roots down into soil and water and reach their leafy boughs up to the sun. Trees shelter other trees. And the whole forest resonates in a symphony of life.  

Like trees we steady ourselves in the soil of our lives, and reach to the stars of our higher possibility nurturing and bringing along those growing up around us so that they, too, may add their good voices to that joyful noise of community, of connection.

Story Prompt: How are you like a tree? Where do you ground yourself? What are you reaching for? And who are you bringing along

Practical Tip: Share your story with someone or something: your journal, your animal companion, a friend, the trees in the woods. All that matters is you gather the stories.

This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on Apple Podcasts and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts