60 Seconds Navigating The Dip

Published: May 4, 2020, 10 a.m.

Early last fall Maria Xenidou of Impact Learning asked how a brand new baby podcaster like me planned to get through The Dip when it comes. I was wise enough to know that I can’t push the river and would have to go with the flow of The Dip. But I was unskilled in the toll The Dip would take if I wasn’t mentally and emotionally prepared. Now that it’s arrived - pretty much on schedule - Maria’s words remind me that podcasting is a personal journey like so many of our creative endeavors. To persevere we must have some clarity about what we do, for whom we do it, and how come. Clarity of intention allows us to be  strong enough to keep on going, to keep putting one foot in front of the other when The Dip returns. Oh, yes, and asking for help.

Who is giving you a hand up right now and have you said thank you? This is mine to all my TPF colleagues: "Thank you from the marrow of my bones for walking this journey with me."