60 Seconds For Time Out Tuesday: Stillness.

Published: Sept. 29, 2020, 10 a.m.

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds, your daily dose of hope, imagination, wisdom, stories, practical tips, and general riffing on this and that.

Boy howdee! Are we in the deep doo-doo of it! I don’t even have to say what the deep doo-doo is and you already know.

Now what? First, we look to nature and her unerring rhythms. We observe how the seasons are shifting around us. As Rebecca Onion reminds us: “In so doing, you can anchor yourself in place and be a witness to the way nature is actually responding to change, instead of dwelling on the disasters that might come.”

And then, take a moment to breathe:  

Be still and know who you are.

Be still and know.

Be still.


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Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts