60 Seconds - Choosing Our Life Path

Published: July 13, 2020, 10 a.m.

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds, your daily dose of hope, imagination, wisdom, stories, practical tips, and general riffing on this and that. 

Carl Jung wrote, “I am not what happened to me; I am what I choose to become.”   

When I was young I couldn’t wait to grow up and be me. Along the way much happened. When I was younger I called it fate or chance. Later, wiser I learned to call it choice.

Over time I chose to burn to ashes who and what I no longer needed or wanted, that which was no longer necessary or vital to my life.

What happened then? The wind stirred up the ashes of my fire, they flew into the night sky and became stars to remind me of where I’d come from and who I might have been.

Practical Tip: Sometimes we have to be burned to ashes to become our real selves. What have you chosen to let go of to discover your true self? And, what do you remember when you gaze at the stars that came from the ashes of those fires?


This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on iTunes and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts