60 Seconds: A Practical Tip For Being Lost And Found

Published: Oct. 1, 2020, 10 a.m.

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is 60 Seconds, your daily dose of hope, imagination, wisdom, stories, practical tips, and general riffing on this and that.

Of late I’ve been hearing friends and colleagues say, "I feel lost. I can't explain it. What do you think it means?"

I don’t know but I can guess. At least for me it means that I’ve lost sight of my way, my True North self, as if I’m turned around in Murkwood Forest. The good news is that I’ve been here before and can find my way out.

What’s the map? On October 1st, 2011 I began a journal of 365 Days of Small Steps. One small step entry every single day. At the end of that first year I’d created a journal of some 1100 pages. A decade later I continue to create my own way of knowing.

Here’s a tip: Create for yourself some document with this heading: 365 Days of Small Steps. Each day make an entry that is yours and yours alone. When feeling lost dip back into your pages and know how far you’ve come. When the year turns and you do it all over again, take time to fully relish how you allowed yourself to be lost and found.

This is the place to thrive together. Come for the stories - stay for the magic.  Speaking of magic, would you share a nice rating/review on Apple Podcasts and when you come back bring your friends and rellies. You’re invited to stop by the website and subscribe to stay current with Diane, her journeys, her guests, as well as creativity, imagination, walking, stories, camaraderie, and so much more: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Production Team: Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 - Present Quarter Moon Story Arts