S3 E13 | Mini-Episode: if other people are doing LESS and getting MORE, why not do what's on your heart?

Published: April 6, 2023, 10 a.m.


This podcast episode wasn\'t expected. Mae sat down to listen to a 10min guided meditation on InsightTimer app... and instead, she got riled up.

What happened?\\xa0

This meditation was filled with inefficient/not super effective affirmations... which serve as GREAT EXAMPLES as to how much possibility is out there.\\xa0

This by NO MEANS is a shot at the creator of that meditation! He is serving as a teacher for us all in this moment.\\xa0


Click HERE to learn more about the "Calling in Abundance" hypnosis challenge happening April 17-21 LIVE on Patreon. If you can\'t make it live, you can tune in to the recordings at your leisure.\\xa0

As a review, here are some research-backed tips to actually be more impeccable with your word and specifically what you are affirming:\\xa0

  • replace "but" with "and"\\xa0
  • eliminate "try" from your sentence and reformulate the main verb
  • avoid "don\'t" or "do not" in your affirmations\\xa0
  • use present tense verbs (versus "future tense" or even "past tense)\\xa0

Does that make sense?\\xa0

Let me know how useful you found this episode - and join me LIVE mid-April for a hypnosis challenge\\xa0Calling in Abundance.\\xa0


Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotist, Integrative Coach, Sound Healer & Host of "Stories from the Subconscious" Podcast. Using visualization and the power of your imagination, she leads clients through a relaxing exploration of the subconscious mind that makes even the most skeptical participants say, "she is the real deal."

Mae works with clients privately and in group coaching programs to reframe and rewrite the stories we tell ourselves so that we can step into a place of calm clarity. She is a member of the International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT) and can be found on Instagram @MaeDeevy.ATX or through her website:\\xa0www.MaeDeevy.com\\xa0

Join Mae\'s SFTS patreon community:\\xa0www.patreon.com/beliefsystem\\xa0
