Morgan Day Cecil - Separating 'Self' from Shame through the Subconscious

Published: May 20, 2021, 10:30 a.m.


*TRIGGER WARNING* This episode contains brief conversation on rape and sexual trauma.\\xa0

Morgan likes radical honesty. She asks, "Are you living the epic life of the woman you were created to be? ...Or are you living the too-small life of the woman you were conditioned to be?"

Without the language to process, she embodied a rape at 15 and took on the story \\u201cyou are bad\\u201d which rooted itself in her psyche.

\\u201cShame is not my identity. It is not who I am.\\u201d

The roots of shame grew branches and trunks in the form of beliefs that Morgan said dictated, \\u201cwho I am and what\\u2019s possible as a woman and that\\u2019s what I had to get to the root of and free myself from.\\u201d

It manifested as:

  • Chronic Depression
  • No desire to move
  • To motivation for her life
  • Overwhelmed with exhaustion

\\u2026just thinking about being the woman of her dreams sent her into lethargy (I\\u2019ll just sleep until I die!) - it was too overwhelming to make the leap from chronic depression to a free woman.

The truth is: we store so much of our wounds in our body and getting free from that was a \\u201chomecoming\\u201d to her body. That is why she has such an interest in the concept of embodiment.

The old belief was that she was bad and her body was a part of the problem. But if her body was a part of the problem, what could possibly be the solution? Her body isn\\u2019t going anywhere!

What if we just disconnect? Wouldn\\u2019t that be easier?

Often times, we don\\u2019t want to be where the pain happens and so we disconnect from the source of the pain: the body.

Now, Morgan realizes that she is separate from her body.

\\u201cI think therefore I am.\\u201d

It\\u2019s been a journey from the head (consciousness) down through the honey pot (the body aka the subconscious).

She used to\\xa0 think \\u201cI could get there from the mind alone\\u201d but she soon realized that she needed to heal her gaze and heal her relationship with her body (and the embodiment of her feelings) in order to really step into her power.

Now, she believes in the possibility that all women everywhere can be reconciled with their own wholeness and brought back into their power by their own resources.

Her greatest desire is to bring light to dark places and help women heal their own gaze and expand their capacity to love and be loved (...AND make A LOT of money!)


Morgan shares with us a few interesting Past Life Regression hypnosis (PLR) experiences and the learnings she took from them. While she had interesting learnings from these experiences, she reminds us that we don\\u2019t want to get lost in the past - we want to focus on the future.


Morgan Day Cecil has a Master\'s Degree in Philosophy and has spent 20-years training in mind-body-spirit methodologies for healing and transformation, including deep feminine psychology, breath work, tantric studies, trauma-release embodiment practices, hypnotherapy, nature-based wisdom schools and perennial spiritual disciplines, including contemplative Christianity.

Morgan is the creator of the Feminine Wholeness Method \\u2122 teaching women the technology of delight to wake from the old identity-trances and boldly embody their unique and brilliant soul.

Morgan was a single mother when her healing journey began and was motivated to face her own sexual and spiritual trauma for the sake of her son. She was married in 2006 and her husband adopted her son in 2009. They had another child (a baby girl who\\u2019s name, Emma, means wholeness) in 2012. They currently live in Portland, Oregon.


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