Ep. 7 | How *YOU* might be making things harder for yourself (and how to invite in ease) | Mini-Episode: a Subconscious Invitation to Supercharge your Words

Published: Jan. 12, 2023, 11 a.m.

Is there a situation, relationship or experience in your life that FEELS HARD? Like some insurmountable mountain. Like no matter what, every time it is JUST HARD!

To the point that... maybe you are expecting it to be hard? 

Or perhaps even... declaring it to be hard?

Well in today's mini-episode we talk a little bit about how we might just be making things harder for ourselves... however, the good news is, we have the option to turn that super-power around to be SUPPORTIVE. 

This episode includes:

  • an invitation to Mae's most popular annual hypnosis challenge (the "New Year" challenge) out on Patreon
  • Intro to Reticular Activating System (RAS) of the mind is your super-power!
  • Suggestions for quick and easy language shifts to make things feel easier

This is a simple, fast mini-episode that just might surprise you in how easy it feels. 


Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotist, Integrative Coach, Sound Healer & Host of "Stories from the Subconscious" Podcast. Using visualization and the power of your imagination, she leads clients through a relaxing exploration of the subconscious mind that makes even the most skeptical participants say, "she is the real deal."

Mae works with clients privately and in group coaching programs to reframe and rewrite the stories we tell ourselves so that we can step into a place of calm clarity. She is a member of the International Association of Counselors & Therapists (IACT) and can be found on Instagram @MaeDeevy.ATX or through her website: www.MaeDeevy.com 

Join Mae's SFTS patreon community: www.patreon.com/beliefsystem