42. Natalia Griffin - How to lean into your belief system to get through an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy and believe that "anything can happen"

Published: Dec. 16, 2021, 11:30 a.m.


Natalia Griffin used to feel like no body understood her or heard her. She felt rage and anger and came to a point where she was restless and highly triggered.

But it wasn\\u2019t until after her own pain of loss and an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy that things really started to shift.

As she began to walk the path of healing, Natalia was really searching for transformation. She did all the journaling and all the prayer\\u2026 and eventually found her way to hypnosis.

Through her hardships, Natalia learned to mother herself at the same time that she learned to mother her children with some of her biggest life lessons being:

  1. Life happens for you, not to you (even in the hardest moments)
  2. If you are hearing a loud voice, trust that it is your inner child begging to be heard
  3. The incomprehensible can happen everyday

Natalia shares a very personal story that reminds us all that \\u201canything can happen.\\u201d Be open to miracles - they are all around us.


I don\\u2019t know about you - but I am ready to have my best year yet\\u2026 and that means prepping the mind to get me there.

Join Mae\'s FREE 7 DAY #OneLittleWord New Year Challenge!

We kick off Friday Dec 17th and go to Thursday Dec 23rd. Come join the 7 day #OneLittleWord New Year Challenge and step into 2022 with intention.

Here is how to JOIN: text NEWYEAR22 to 347-566-4822

Or join the Telegram App Group

P.S. Bring a friend bc we have a 95% chance of success when we have a schedule and an accountability partner.


Natalia Griffin is a Hypnotherapist and founder of Her World Hypnosis where she\\u2019s now radically supporting women on the journey to motherhood and beyond including fertility, pregnancy (both the struggle to conceive AND the struggle to sustain pregnancy) along with the postpartum journey.

Her mission is to normalize Hypnosis as a Fertility therapy while exploring uncharted territory within mind-body fertility research.

Natalia offers many ways to connect and learn more about HypnoFertility:

  1. Subscribe to daily Hypnotes, daily hypnotic emails designed to recondition your mind over time
  2. Follow on IG @HerWorldHypnosis
  3. Free Hypnosis Support Group on Facebook: \\u201cHypnosis Support: Fertility\\u201d https://www.facebook.com/herworldhypnosis
  4. Free consultations for 1:1 sessions to women TTC naturally or doing treatment such as IVF.\\xa0
  5. A digital hypnosis membership called THE PATHWAY.\\xa0

More can be explored on her website at www.HerWorldHypnosis.com
