29. Joshua Peters - Overcoming Fear & Taking a Leap of Faith (with self-hypnosis)

Published: Sept. 9, 2021, 10 a.m.


Most of us are afraid of diving into the unknown, of uncertainty, of knowing what\'s going to happen. We are afraid that things will go wrong & be uncomfortable... that things may not go as expected.

Have you ever been afraid to ask for what you want?

Our today\\u2019s guest, was in a marriage that he did not want to be in, and yet he did not want to leave it either. The relationship was over and that much was clear. But he was afraid to ask for what he wanted. That is, until he got very clear that if he didn\'t, he might regret it.

This is a story about the end of marriage or is it about the beginning of a new story? The same idea goes for a job or an environment, we can be stuck and unfulfilled across many areas of life. And let\'s be honest \\u2014 it\\u2019s not easy, and you may feel fear.

Is FEAR holding you back?

Joshua Peter is a high performance coach, a speaker, and a certified professional hypnotist. Through the years, he helped hundreds of clients eliminate self sabotage and move through their fears, doubts, and worry to a place of calm, confidence, and clarity.

In this episode, Joshua shares his journey to believing that he is worthy (we are all worthy!) and can move forward. He also talks about the empowerment behind the shift in mindset that happens when you get to decide what you believe.\\xa0

Check out these episode highlights:

  • 01:32 - He spend a lot of time trying to transform his life\\xa0\\xa0
  • 04:48 - He tried a hypnotherapy session for the first time and he felt how powerful hypnosis was \\u2014it was so visceral
  • 08:56 - The art of being comfortable in uncomfortable situations
  • 09:38 - The things he loves about hypnotherapy and hypnosis.
  • 12:12 - He realized that you have to move past those fears
  • 15:51 - What role does Joshua have seen self-sabotage play in the corporate or entrepreneur world
  • 18:15 - Why procrastination will sabotage your success
  • 22:08 - Setting boundaries is a way to healthily escape
  • 22:54 - The importance of being proactive, not reactive
  • 30:13 - What did hypnosis make available for Joshua to step out on that unfulfilled place
  • 38:21 - The significance of having a playful energy
  • 41:48 - Joshua shares a little bit playful spirit via hypnosis

Feature on this episode:

A gift for everyone who\'s listening\\u2014A 10 minute relaxation recording https://www.thexfactorcoach.com/SFTS


Joshua Peter\\u2019s obsession with personal development began at the age of 13 when he discovered a book on self hypnosis in his school\\u2019s library.

He learned to use self hypnosis to fall asleep easier and to focus better in school, and remained curious about the power of trance throughout his life.

Fifteen years ago, after finding himself anxious and fearful and stuck in an unfulfilled life, Joshua decided to stop being a victim and to take control of his life. After an intense year long training, he received his hypnosis certification in 2017 and made it his mission to create a life of freedom.

In 2018 he left his corporate job to help others find that same freedom. He believes everyone has the power to transform their life and he is passionate about supporting his clients to make the change they are looking for using hypnosis.

Joshua harnesses the power of neuroscience to transform negative states into positive states. This unique style of hypnotic coaching is the x-factor that creates positive and permanent results for his clients.

He sees clients locally at his office in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, and all around the world via zoom.

Learn more about Joshua:

@joshuareypeters\\xa0 / Facebook / https://www.thexfactorcoach.com/


Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Aromatherapist based in Austin, Texas who is passionate about the power of the subconscious mind. She believes that what we tell ourselves are simply stories and therefore they can be redrafted, rewritten and redirected. She hosts a community membership called "Be the Change" (along side Rosy Crescitelli and Gwen Stasio) that is designed to allow you to thrive as you are designed (not as you have been told you\\xa0should do/be).\\xa0

Get in Touch with Mae Deevy:

@maedeevy.cht / Facebook / https://www.maedeevy.com/

Join the Community:\\xa0 Be the Change

Join Mae\'s Corporate Cleanse Program


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