23. Anna Krishtal - if my body looks good, everything else will fall into place

Published: July 29, 2021, 10:30 a.m.


Anna Krishtal sat down next to a hypnotherapist one day and ended up trying hypnosis. She was mainly interested in "brain hacks" or "biohacking" because she, like many in corporate America, wanted to be as productive as possible.

"I felt like my brain was betraying me."

Even though at that time, it felt like her world was falling apart at the seams (mercury poisoning, stress from job, confusion about where to live, what to do, etc) she ended up hiring a hypnotherapist... but not for what you\'d think.\\xa0

She hired a high ticket hypnotherapist to work on weight loss.

She had this limiting belief story looping in her head that said, "If my body looks a certain way, everything else will fall into place."\\xa0

It took her a while to realize that she was buying into the narrative that her existence would be validated by external circumstances.\\xa0

"what is the price I\'m willing to pay to be accepted by society?"

She realized that it was time for a change - and that change needed to happen at the subconscious level. So she started listening to the voice of subconscious as it spoke in the "next smallest steps" which eventually brought her into a place of deep, radical acceptance in her body as it is right now.\\xa0

Now, Anna believes that our lives are meant to be a unique expression of our authenticity and that journey begins with deep acceptance [of the body].\\xa0\\xa0


Anna Krishtal is an Integrative Hypnotherapist that works to help people befriend their mind and body.\\xa0 Having had the experience of hypnosis completely transforming her life, she is continuously humbled to see the many ways it can help others.\\xa0 In her work, she finds that all change starts with accepting, and loving both the mind and body as it is, regardless of societal norms or expectations.\\xa0 Our lives are meant to be a unique expression of our authenticity, and that starts with deep acceptance for our uniqueness in thinking and being.

Anna\'s website: www.AnnaKrishtal.com

Connect with Anna on Instagram: @i.am.anna.krishtal


Mae Deevy is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Aromatherapist based in Austin, Texas who is passionate about the power of the subconscious mind. She believes that what we tell ourselves are simply stories and therefore they can be redrafted, rewritten and redirected. She hosts a community membership called "Be the Change" (along side Rosy Crescitelli and Gwen Stasio) that is designed to allow you to thrive as you are designed (not as you have been told you\\xa0should do/be).\\xa0

Visit Mae\'s Website: www.maedeevy.com

Connect with Mae on Instagram: @MaeDeevy.CHt\\xa0


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Connect w/ Stories from the Subconscious on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stories.from.the.subconscious/\\xa0
