15. Hypnosis Episode - 20 minutes to feel relaxed, grounded, & at peace

Published: June 3, 2021, 10:30 a.m.


We recently conducted a survey on Instagram and asked people wha their current state was versus how they would\\xa0like to feel. This likely will come to no surprise to you but these were some responses:\\xa0

Current State: anxious, overwhelm, stress, frustration\\xa0

Desired State: peace, relaxation, grounded

It is said that those who live in more densely wooded areas report better health data than those who live in more urban areas.

Being close to nature can help us to alter our brain waves (hello, theta!!!), slow down our heart beats and lower our blood pressure. In other words: we activate our parasympathetic nervous system and shut down the "fight or flight" response.\\xa0

Doctors back in the day used to prescribe "sea air" to those who were experiencing depression. We know sea air contains negative ions and that it just\\xa0feels healing to breath it in!

We know that trees:

  • produce oxygen and clean carbon dioxide
  • improve air quality\\xa0
  • are a source of medicine
  • are a source or protection

Trees have loooonnngggg been a symbol for strength, rebirth, renewal, protection, wisdom, and peace...

...so remind me why we continue to be heads down in our phones all the time?!

It is my belief that we need to be reminded of the power and beauty of nature or else we will continue to be sucked into our cellphones and laptops (where we\\xa0know that doesn\'t bring us much good!)\\xa0

Knowing that we don\'t always have access to nature, luckily we can go there in our minds! And our mind knows no difference between what\'s imagined and what\'s real so today I invite you to get creative.\\xa0



Plug into your headphones, get comfortable, relax wherever you are and give yourself that time to simply listen. No previous experience is necessary.\\xa0



Today\'s hypnosis meditation is simple: the more we connect with nature, the better we feel and the better we feel, the more we connect with nature.\\xa0

You are invited to take ~20 minutes to plug into relaxation via a sense of grounding and peace. The hypnosis begins around the 14:50 mark.



Black Spruce was used by the Lakota Native Americans to strengthen their connection to the Great Spirit. It helps to release emotional blocks (via limbic system activation) to bring about feelings of balance and grounding. It is a conifer essential oil and is distilled from the Black Spruce tree.\\xa0

Young Living\'s\\xa0Northern Lights Black Spruce\\xa0is sustainably cultivated at Young Living\\u2019s Northern Lights Farm and Distillery in British Columbia, Canada underneath the Northern Lights. Magical!\\xa0


Please share this episode with friends and family - anyone who could use a little relaxation, peace or groundedness. Let\'s remind each other of what is the secret to life: nature!


Try a one-on-one hypnosis with Mae: http://www.maedeevy.com

Join Mae\'s "Be the Change" Community: http://www.IamtheChange.Today\\xa0


Connect with the podcast on Facebook or Instagram @Stories.From.The.Subconscious


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