Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 3078

Published: Dec. 22, 2022, 1 a.m.

b'Tonight\'s special guest is\\xa0Arthur Crowell\\xa0from Minnetonka, Minnesota, a returning NAASCA family member. Art grew up in a matriarchal family system as the only male child. Over the course of 3 generations his family system had been plagued and riddled with abuse of almost every form. Growing up as an outsider in his own family system, Art felt like he was always looking in and he wondered about the stories that lurked unknown in the shadows that caused those around him to act so dysfunctional with each other. In adulthood, he notes, "I became acutely aware of the long reaching, generational, damaging, and dysfunctional effects of abuse." In his thirties he began his own family. "My wife and three daughters had all come from a narcissistic, personality disordered, abusive situation." Tragically, they had not been able to heal the rift with their traumatized middle daughter. As an adolescent she spent 4 years in and out of 21 different hospitals and residential treatment facilities.\\xa0Art and his wife and had formed an organization to rally a legislative movement to help fight for kids rights. "Sadly, the political stage no longer has room to hold space for kids rights issues." Art continues, "The hard truth is that with every passing day we fall closer and closer to becoming a culture of pure narcissistic / borderline disordered personalities." That\'s is why Art developed a \'Hero\'s Journey\' life coaching program and storytelling, using the power of mythology and storytelling to uplift, teach, and guide one on their \'Hero\'s Journey\'. "Until we can do that, our children will remain at risk, and we, the recovering adults, will remain trapped by our traumas, instead of being transformed into the purpose we were born to be."'