Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2903

Published: April 21, 2022, midnight

Tonight's special guest is Kara Witkowski from Elgin, Illinois, a victim of domestic violence and rape whose 2 year old son, James, died as a result of various serious injuries including an unexplained prolapsed rectum and a cervical spinal cord injury. An excellent BLOG, 'Suffer the Little Children', was written about the case. Kara says, "I can’t fathom how any of this was allowed to go on, let alone how it was enabled by a family court judge, a guardian ad litem, DCFS, and two police departments." She continues, "The supposed justice system has repeatedly failed myself and my children. My ex raped me and admitted to my rape in 5 different documented communications. I went to get an order of protection. It was immediately granted but on April 11th but they consolidated it into a family court case." Both her kids were abused. "My daughter was alleging sexual assault by other parties in the household. I was accused of coaching my daughter and being overprotective. A gal by the name of Julie Pirtle was pit on the case. She recommended full custody to my ex, Thomas Biel, who admitted to having sole property of child ography. When custody was taken from me my two year old James was hospitalized repeatedly 9 different times for a prolapsed rectum (his rectum was the size of an orange) and became incarcerated. The medics examining him suspected anal penetration. Two weeks later my son died. The cause of death was cervical spinal cord injury." Kara explains, "Right now I have custody of my daughter due to her alleging rape and molestation by her father who I believe is the same perpetrator who raped and killed my son.