Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2701

Published: July 13, 2021, midnight

Tonight's special guest is Becky Ianni from Burke, Virginia, a victim of childhood sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. "In 1965, when I was 8, a newly ordained priest, Father Reinecke, joined our parish," she says. Father Reinecke used this trust and love to sexually abuse me. I think this is one of the aspects of being abused that hurts the most. He was my friend, my own personal representative of God and he betrayed me. "Father Reinecke abused me in my own basement and in the vestry of the church. I never told anyone as a child. His sexual abuse made me feel dirty and at fault. It was implied that if I told anyone God would be mad at me and I would go to hell." She got help instead. "I was in a very dark place. Another victim of my perpetrator suggested I contact SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests). I called SNAP and that phone call changed my life. I began to go to their support groups and by listening to others stories I began to heal. I was in therapy for 8 years and my therapist gave me many tools to help me help myself." Becky goes on, "As I got stronger, I began to volunteer with SNAP. I have answered the helpline, helped organized our national conference, trained other leaders and have been a board member for the past 5 years." Becky's message is clear, "My support to those just starting their journey is that there is hope. Your journey is yours alone and everybody's path to healing is unique. I am here to support you. You are not alone. It wasn't your fault and I believe you."