Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2696

Published: July 6, 2021, midnight

Tonight's special guest is Michelle Bond from Mansfield, Ohio, who grew up a latchkey kid but unfortunately she and her twin were left to the mercy of their older brother. He abused them  mentally, physically, and verbally. "The abuse lasted 28 years in my family," she says, "even though my social worker knew about the abuse from my brother was continuing to abuse me. I felt scared and fearful of my brother. I felt shame and helplessness. This pain caused me to act out as well." Michelle offers a free book entitled 'Mind, Body, Soul, Survivor'. "I was attacked when I was 20-year-old by a woman and man with a knife in an empty apartment. After the attack and tempted rape, I began seeing a trauma informed therapist," she says. "I have been in therapy all my life. I currently see a therapist for PTSD. I am disabled because of the PTSD. I am working part-time and now have a non-profit. It’s a website blog that has my book for free." Michelle explains, "I still have flashbacks, anxiety, but time has tamped down fear and I use grounding techniques such as phoning a friend. I'm a life-long learner about myself through therapy and spent 5-6 years of nursing to achieve a BSN. I was an Army National Guard in Ohio for 6 years." She concludes, "Speak about your trauma to heal which will cause you to shine. Report and don’t wait any child abuse as an adult. Check on Statute of Limitations and report to police to make society aware of the statistics."