Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2590

Published: Feb. 6, 2021, 1 a.m.

Tonight's special guest is Evangelia Vensel from Washington State, a child sexual abuse survivor. "Life for me while I was growing up in an abusive family and environment was living in a constant state of fight or flight, Evangelia says. "Anxiety, insomnia, scared to be a kid, lots of physical, verbal and mental abuse, daily. Being neglected, ignored, bullied, called names, left behind, forgotten, emotionally abandoned, and denial of being molested. Silenced. I was always scared or felt alone. I became an addict at age 15." She goes on, "The physical abuse continued up until I moved out when I was 18. But all other forms of abuse continued till I ended my relationships with them all in 2018." That year, Evangelia detoxed and chelated her body from bad bacteria, viruses, unresolved infections, toxins, metals and chemicals from all the pharmaceutical drugs and street drugs left in her body and brain. "I had stem cells treatments to repair all the damage my issues caused by not treating the root cause. Trauma compromises the immune system which keeps us compromised." In recovery now, she says, "Positive thinking brings positive results. If you surrender to the universe it will come full circle and it will reward you with all your desires!!!" Evangelia describes herself as "a fireball always full of energy, always scoping peoples hair out and always, always trying to help others out! I'm married to the most incredible man on earth and I know he is my soulmate! We have two amazing beautiful children together and our love just gets deeper as the years go by! I am one lucky lady!" Evangelia believes you're only as old as you feel, saying, "Age ain't nothing but a number! Moments become memories!"