Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2441

Published: July 14, 2020, midnight

Tonight's special guest is Raquel Mallett from Westland, Michigan, a survivor who was raped by her teacher/assistant principal in high school. Raquel states, “During the abuse he became my godfather and he viewed me as his daughter. It actually got to a point where I was calling him dad and he would introduce me to others as his daughter. His family were my family and I trusted him with my whole heart. We were very close, but I didn't realize that was part of the grooming process. I trusted him. I was fearfully silent and determined to take this secret with me to the grave. However, I was suffering from it greatly and went to my college chaplain at the time, to ask for possible counseling services and resources from the college. I did not know when I spoke out to him for advice, that it was going to have to be reported. I immediately regretted it and held the regret for a period of years. Looking back at it, I am grateful I did speak out. I am now able to use my story to help others. It was a difficult journey and I am still healing from the abuse. It was a complicated relationship I had with my abuser, but I believe it was intentional on his part. Due to the abuse, I have struggled with depression, self-harm, and attempted suicide.” Raquel found her purpose through her experience. As Raquel explains, “It is my burden and passion to help assist and heal as many people as I possibly can. If my story can help just one, then I have done my duty. It is my goal to be an advocate for the victims and I have begun that journey with The Hope of Survivors. I provide victims support to individuals who have suffered through abuse. It is my desire to continue to grow and share my story to be able to help others.”