Episode 1 - "Comes out better the second time"

Published: Oct. 27, 2011, 12:14 p.m.

b'"And now, from studio B in Rhode Island comes Stogie Geeks!"
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Stogie Of The Week

Tatuaje Monster Series "The Face", Opus X Love Affaire
Check out the Stogie Geeks Rating System
Paul\'s This Week In Smoke

Davidoff Millennium Robusto Great Davidoff flavors, not mild, sweet cedar, pricy, but ages really well

Tatuaje \\u201cThe Face\\u201d: Mellowed out a lot, in fact we should be smoking these now as I think they are going to age out fast. Awesome flavors though, lost that huge punch in the end.

PG Symphony 20 Salomone: Pure heaven, smokes so awesome, best salomone size I\'ve ever had. A box purchase, and I think a really great value at even $18 a stick.

Casa Fuente Lancero: Holy fucking flavor bomb batman! I could not believe how much smoked poured from this lancero. Awesome spice up front, smooth flavors, orgasmic. I only had one and they don\'t make them anymore....

Tatuaje Black Tubo: Almost sweet up front, cool shaggy foot similar to face or gran cojuno, got at least 2 years on it, was my last one, small hole in beginning, turned out to be under filled! WTF had to punt

601 Blue Label Maduro: Good flavors up front, 2 years age, nice sweet floral flavor, correction, outstanding floral notes. spice actually picks up, its a nice spice too, flavors muted in final 3rd, kind of a disappointing finish.

Tim\'s This Week In Smoke

Perdomo Edicion de Silvio Robusto: I smoked several of these for the Stogie Geeks review we posted this week. With a MSRP of $18.00+ and ten years of age, I scooped up a bunch on a sale. Thanks Stogie Santa! Read the full review here!

Tatuaje "Exclusive Series" TAA: Part of a gift from a co-worker for my 40th Birthday. Very unique flavor profile and finish. Recommend jumping on these before they are all gone. Read the full review here!

Oliva Serie V Maduro Especial 2008 & 2009: Wow! What a ride! It has been a year since I smoked either of these sticks and I had forgotten how good they are. Read the review to see which won our showdown.

Cabaiguan (Natural) & Cabaiguan Guapos (Maduro) by Tatuaje: I have recently become a fan of these. The maduro offers some great rich flavors, while the natural is a great medium bodied smoke that can be enjoyed with AM coffee or at lunch. Construction is always perfect. The MSRP of around $9.00-10.00 might be a little high for some but you may be able to find these at deep discounts online (that\\u2019s a hint folks).

K.A. Kendall 7-20-4 Corona: This stogie has become a staple in my humidor. Medium bodied and well balanced savory flavors, the construction and draw on the Corona is always perfect. This size is perfect for lunch time but can hold its own after dinner. With a MSRP of $6.00-7.00, you cannot go wrong.'